
I don’t think Biden should be replaced as the nominee b/c incumbents usually win, the whole fundraising system etc is already geared up to support him, and I think anyone who is afraid of Trump will vote for any Dem, but I think Kamala is the best replacement option.
At this point I haven’t seen anyone definitively show that any replacement would appear on the ballots of all the states. I want to see that instead of speculating who’d be the best replacement (I agree with you on that).
I basically want everyone to stfu and realize that this is not a game, Biden is imperfect in many ways and we get that, but electing Trump will not only set SCOTUS for the next few decades but will enable the worst people to do the worst things.
Also, I’d like more people to acknowledge that so long as Biden wants to be the nominee, he’s the nominee. There’s no mechanism to push him out against his will right now.
Catastrophizing about Biden is also (imo) distracting us from the real enemy. And like one op Ed said, do we really want an elite group to overturn the primary election results and choose a replacement? That’s not democratic.
It's not like they (the pusher-outers) have a plan or some obvious choice to turn to.
Yes, if it were obvious I don’t think people would be in a tizzy right now. I’m very interested to see who Trump picks as a VP. Considering their ages …
! That wasn’t one of the names I’d seen (all men) but would be interesting.