Steve T PhD

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Steve T PhD

team hon hon hon
invisible academic laborer, political scientist, engineer
KU, New School, and Tufts alum
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"Cultivation effects remain stable over the decades, implying an enduring relationship between television’s message system and viewers’ conceptions of social reality, despite immense changes in the institutional structure and technology of television." #CommSky
Television, Continuity, and Change: A Meta-Analysis of Five Decades of Cultivation Abstract. This study is a meta-analysis of cultivation research from the 1970s to the present, based on three-level analyses of 3842 effect sizes from 406
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Y'all need to buy new book, which I am referencing here cause I don't think you fully understand the depth and breadth of the evangelical right's depraved, evil agenda and stranglehold on the country. Talia lays it all out. It is *essential* reading for all Americans.
Project 2025 is a creation of Evangelicals and it's the core mission of the evangelical right. It's what major evangelical organizations have been building towards for decades. It's not fringe. (I just fact checked a whole book a out this.)
Wild From the author of Culture Warlords, a sweeping investigation of the Christian-right that scrutinizes the toxic religious and political forces that are shapi...
Make a band vegetarian My Bloodless Valentine
Make a band vegetarian Beetloaf
On a side note, as political scientist who does voiceover to pay the bills, I wish someone in the Biden-Harris campaign would get Joe a handheld mic and teach him to use it. If he keeps yelling at the rallies he's going to sound hoarse in every interview after.
My new theory is that Biden tricked the beltway pundits into blowing their massive Old Joe load *four months* before the election instead of two weeks.
I understand that Harris has various detractors - but the idea that whatever random white guy Warner and Schiff are hiding under a sheet somewhere ready to unveil *won't* have the same load of drawbacks is just totally bananas.
In the Florida case, Trump has filed to challenge the authority of the Special Counsel - using Thomas's road map from the immunity concurrence and Cannon's sympathetic ear. Garland himself should dig out his Oklahoma City belt buckle and try the case.
Some people just wanna see the world burn. Pundits, mostly.
Hey you guys wanna see the dumbest plan to replace Biden possible?
If Joe was younger he would order Seal Team Six to parachute & fast-boat their way on to the Alito's beach house lawn and just set up a sort of friendly barbecue with ice cream and balloons and everything, courtesy of the executive branch.
I'm blocking people who try to pollsplain me today, just FYI.
If the French Left can get its merde together then qu'est-ce qu'on fait même, right?
I should just log off today on this high note.
When the France election results are good
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For the people who don’t have time, here’s your Readers Digest version. You’re welcome.
When higher-ed AI comes to its wretched end like MOOCs before it, the administrators who pumped it should all be thrown out on their rear ends.
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genuinely hopeful sign that every big name GOP garbage monster is frantically trying to distance themselves from Project Say The Quiet Part Loud In an Easily-Digestible Bullet Point Format About Which There Can Be No Confusion. this means we should all absolutely continue never shutting up about it
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This was a speech during which he did not have to answer any questions, he supposedly knew where he was going to be several days ahead of time, and this is what he came up with
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1/n Since we are talking about project 2025, here are some things a Trump administration plans to do with higher education policy, in no particular order
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Watching the entire "should Biden step down" discussion play out completely among donors and insiders is an incredibly bleak illustration of how absent the working class base of the Democratic Party is from its power center. We can fix that.
The Hole at the Heart of the Democratic Labor needs to fill the vacuum. Or else.
Arya: "What's west of Westeros?" Jon: ". . . ." Sansa: ". . . ." [on the cutting room floor]: Carl Snow: "Washington D.C. in the summer and fall of 2024."
Just reminiscing about the absolute mayhem that was breaking loose on a weekly basis during Trump's 2016 campaign . . .
I'm okay with a public cognitive test as long as both candidates take it at the same time, and it takes place on a sinking electric boat with very powerful batteries, and it is administered by a killer shark who's just a short distance away in the ocean.
Why didn't Trump drop out in 2016? Days before the election he had only a 15% chance of winning.
Stephanopolous' line of questioning is completely ludicrous here now. "You're a bit behind. Shouldn't you drop out?" is an absolutely wild thing to say, given the alternatives and the standards that they apply to the opponent. How about "You're a felon. Shouldn't you drop out?"
"I'm running again because I think I understand best what has to be done." His voice is soft (it was sharper at the rally earlier) but the brain seems to be working.
In the face of great uncertainty, we're mostly left with own reactions (and reactions to others' reactions, etc.). They're not really information. My reflection today is that the choice in November hasn't changed at all. That might even be the campaign line.
One lesson I learned in my teaching career is that sometimes you think someone else is being tested, but actually the test is for you.
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Anyway in case you've been wondering why the Times has it's knife into the Biden admin, here's why. They reduced access for the most access obsessed dipshits in America. Thats all it took. Well, that and Biden saying Sulz should pay higher taxes on his personal wealth
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#Metoo ruined lives: the women’s. For the summer issue of Bookforum, I wrote about Christine Blasey Ford’s memoir “One Way Back,” the aftermath of disclosure, and what it means to be a public survivor when storytelling has proven futile.
Disposable Christine Blasey Ford’s memoir captures the hazards of “coming forward” – Moira Donegan