
A reminder that in 2021, Alabama (pop. 5 million) had more gun deaths *in total* than New York State (pop. 20 million).
He needs to keep falling down stairs until he's dead
Poor Tommy Tuberville- we all thought he was relatively smart as a football coach. Now he has revealed himself to be a total moron. #TrumpTrashTrolls #NOTAnIntellectualDemo #DimBulbDBags #PutinGTooGuzzlerGuys #TrumpsARETreason
A great example of the Peter Principle in action —he was competent in his profession, so he changed careers to find his level of incompetence.
Isn't that the guy who tried to make it big as an extreme-right republican by cockblocking the military of all things?
Yesterday I heard that London, UK, pop 9million, had 23 hospital admissions for gunshot injuries last year.
Something that has been true since the 19th century! A lot more homicides and deaths in the slave south not counting what was done to the enslaved population.
Coach T is perfectly well aware of this. That's why he lives in Florida...
Not on his side, but I don’t think the gun statistics are the direct thing to dunk with. His post didn’t mention gun related crime. And the migrant crime fears he’s peddling has to do with the recent surge and events like the NYPD cop that got beat up.
It’s an old and stupid trope that you can find in Alabama newspapers going back 120 years. Alabama is demonstrably less safe than New York on a number of measures, and for all the reasons (poverty, insane gun access) that politicians like Tuberville refuse to discuss.
Yes, and along the same lines, a group of Alabama residents migrating to NY are statistically more likely to commit violent crime than a group coming from the southern border.
Imagine telling the world you’re a coward and afraid of migrants
People like Tuberville don't let facts get in the way of their narratives.