
to whoever needs to hear it: no one is so talented that they can treat or speak to you in a disrespectful or demeaning manner. no one.
True. But also I'd let Geof Darrow spit in my food every day for a year if he'd do a cover for one of my books.
He’s a rather lovely person. You probably don’t need to go right to that :-)
I just feel like there’s so many other options you could’ve to get that cover sir.
I like to keep all my options open.
I only met Geoff Darrow once. He was really nice and I don't think he'd spit in your food. That being said, if you had cover art of him spitting in your food it would be gorgeous and disgusting. I would buy it!
I met him once and he was incredibly kind as well. I'm just looking for ways to get him excited. No judgements.
There's a reason "Be nice to people on your way up, because they'll catch you on your way down" is a great piece of advice.
i am a mere dog walker and a woman one day told me to pull my pants up when i was ducking down to put a leash on one of my dogs and i just honestly could not believe it, i was like dont look at my ass??? i am not your child ma’am!
Thank you for being consistently awesome, and continually amazing. But also, if agreed to draw my noir comic I would let him treat me however he likes.
On top of that, some of the most bafflingly rude people I've ever met are just the assistants to the talent at conventions. It's bewildering. Having worked as an assistant at events, I get the thrill of feeling like you're contributing to some great artist's work, but let's keep it in perspective.
It’s nice of you to encourage Drake but I don’t know if he’ll see a BlueSky post all the way from Canada.
This is one of the lessons I wish I had learned at a much younger age. I let my first boss in DC yell at me for disagreeing with him in a meeting with higher ups he wanted to impress. I should have said "no one talks to me that way." You should too.