
I don’t know much about the mechanics of flight, I’ll admit, but this doesn’t seem like it would actually be possible, right?
Not to get all "I can tell from the pixels," but the position of the sleeves/shirt prove that this is a shoop. If he were standing on the wing in-flight (which he certainly SHOULD NOT BE DOING), his shirt would be flapping in the wind.
This is the one. My first thought was the propeller should be a little blurry
You can sometimes get in-flight pictures where the prop looks stationary. The upper outline of the plane's fuselage has also pretty clearly been blurred to mask a seam in the 'shop. But the sleeves are the kicker. It would break the laws of physics to be in completely calm air at that altitude.
I started sweating just looking at that. Nopenopenopenopenope.