Try the Brie, it’s American Cheese Month!

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Try the Brie, it’s American Cheese Month!

Ray Kroc Professor of Cheeseburger Sciences, Hamburger University.
Kentucky Colonel. He/they. #bbn

It would be in bad taste for me to crank “This Is America” in this parking lot when the fireworks start, right?
Shrek and the Bandit
Remake a movie with Shrek and make it better … I’ll go first Mr. Shrek Goes to Washington
Evan, to a barking Lex: “You’re not helping, you… DOG!”
The Reform UK guy on BBC just said they won’t tolerate homophobia, Islamophobia or antisemitism in their party and what do you think your gimmick is, man
Thank God for John Roberts bravely protecting America from this kind of nonsense, eh?
Reports: Brazil police have indicted Jair Bolsonaro for money laundering and criminal association
Rishi Sunak on the phone right now with Stoke-on-Trent demanding they find him 11,000 votes
I know it’s the Green Party but it’s hilarious to think based on the picture that it’s just a couple with the last name Green who have been elected to Parliament
This Tory is insisting that a Conservative Party is essential to democracy and no, chief, it ain’t
He’s already in the bargaining stage of grief live on international television
BBC just projected that a Tory they have sitting on set has less than 1 percent chance of retaining his seat and I want American networks to do this to House members now
lord, I see what you’ve done for others…
Holy shit that’s an ass-whipping
BBC just projected that a Tory they have sitting on set has less than 1 percent chance of retaining his seat and I want American networks to do this to House members now
We have a winner! Lou Gehrig had 15 swipes of home and just shy of 500 HR.
The *other* pride of the Yankees
One is Babe Ruth, but who’s the other?
Stolen from my ConLaw professor: there are two players in MLB history with 400+ HR and 10+ steals of home. Who are they?
Stolen from my ConLaw professor: there are two players in MLB history with 400+ HR and 10+ steals of home. Who are they?
If it's any solace to Henry Bemis, radiation sickness is gonna kill him within a month or so, I don't think fallout even had time to completely settle
Original, watching Time Enough At Last right now
I just found out H&I is doing a Twilight Zone marathon all weekend
Anyone got a Kc auto mechanic to recommend
Celebrating July 4 by watching Kitchen Nightmares UK while wearing the least patriotic apparel I can find because who the fuck wants to look like a stan for this shitshow of a country right now
I don’t know if it’s weird of me but I legitimately couldn’t care less if Biden spent his second term just eating ice cream and wandering the halls of the West Wing all day. His team has served us well and they’re not evil fascists and that’s enough for me at this point
Did the Tories consider taking a page from their Republican cousins and just... not let people vote?
You know, Courtney Love may have been a terrible mother, a terrible wife, a mediocre singer and kinda ok as an actress, but she really did get some good songwriting out of Billy Corgan with “Celebrity Skin” and “Malibu.”
It is 5:53 p.m., otherwise known in Michigan as BROAD FUCKING DAYLIGHT so why is someone setting off fireworks right now
Welcome to "Just Shut Up and Defeat the Republicans and Then We'll Talk About It" Anonymous
gonna start a support group for the “look I dunno man I’m exhausted let’s just do whatever it takes” demographic
Was this secretly's plan for Jon's Sandwich Shop all along?
the Bear is cool and all but if my local sandwich shop closed down and then suddenly reopened itself as an upscale bourgeois fine dining location I would kill myself
All right, Bluesky — who here has purchased a vehicle from a defunct (or currently going defunct/at-risk) company? Got (or had) a Fisker, Lordstown or a different car from a company that's gone kaput? I want to talk to you: [email protected]