
Turns out the cousin whose BBQ I'm skipping to play video games was banking on my company to suffer through our annoying relative together because he has hit an AJ Sulzbwrger level of scorched earth in these WhatsApp messages trying to get a certain person's invitation rescinded
I think he is upset with yours truly too, excerpt from email
If youre wondering, board exam was when we were in grade 10
still no clue what any of that shit does
My dad (physicist) had a joke about this: When Noah sent the animals from the ark, he told them "Go forth and multiply," but two snakes said "We can't. We're adders." So he built them a log table. (Logs allow you to multiply by adding, not really useful since the invention of the calculator.)
A truly excellent joke. I learned it long ago; can’t remember whether your dad was the person I first heard it from, but it was around the time I was in his classes. When we say of a teacher “How many lives he touched!” It also means people everywhere are sharing his jokes.
And likewise, my children learned the world's longest song, "Aleph-null Bottles of Beer on the Wall" at an early age - I think I first heard it from you. In retrospect, maybe not such a good idea, but we didn't take a lot of long car trips so it worked out.
I learned it as Aleph-1.
That's the second verse. It's just that nobody ever gets to the second verse.
Aleph-1 bottles of beer on the wall Aleph-1 bottles of beer Take infinity down, pass 'em around Aleph-1 bottles of beer on the wall...