
🧵 I’ve felt for many years that Reagan, who was the oldest elected President until Trump decided our trajectory but I also blame ourselves, on both sides, for ambivalence or evil, & for shrugging off key moments like Citizens United as we failed to fulfill our most basic civic duty time after time.
🧵 My family once perceived my concerns as an over reaction. Now they’re questioning how this happened. It happened b/c we failed to fulfill our most basic civic duty time & time again.
🧵 Election after election of ambivalence & moral superiority w/expectations of perfect candidates on the left & a belief “it can’t happen here.” America wasn’t finished but my generation was too arrogant to see this.
🧵 I wasn’t excited about Hillary & I’m angry w/Biden but my vote, the only one I truly feel pain in casting, will come from both fear & hope. I view Trump as the final nail &’Biden as a placeholder.
imo, joe should called it as a one-termer on inauguration day. then kamala's only tsk would've been to get her chops to the point where she'd be a no-brainer for '24. any swing state gov and her vpotus pick and you're off to the races.
I đź’Ż want him to drop out. I think several candidates could pull stronger despite the limited time.
i think there's plenty of time to do it, but i'd def wait until trump is sentenced next month. jail time will suck the indies right out of his polling #'s and make life easier for the new candidate.
He wasn’t my choice in the primary but I wasn’t upset like Hillary either. I believe he’s done a lot of good domestically but the horror of Netanyahu’s war has ruined his legacy. I also don’t fully blame him b/c the big 3 lobbyists hold the power. W/out their influence, he might have pulled back.
🧵 4 yrs to form coalitions, push for civics education even if simply free lit, support local, push for progressive candidates, & our big tent party of minorities takes the lessons of our present & compromises between Marxism & Centrist Capitalism & meets in the middle w/Democratic Socialism.
🧵 We expand the court, disassemble corporate power, and roll back deregulation that created what at present is an Oligarchy. We use our voices & we push back against every threat to a future of Democracy. We show up and then we show up again. And we do so for the remainder of our lives.
🧵 We do so because it is our responsibility in every election to follow, small or large, we create awareness & get involved. And most importantly, we learn to respect each other’s perspectives & trauma and compromise for the greater good. It’s this or we’re doomed.