Brandon Proia

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Brandon Proia

Southern Editor
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“For many library workers, the material consequences of unchecked capitalism are the stuff of everyday life.” Emily Drabinski on why defending libraries is fighting capitalism:
The Library Is a A socialist former president of the American Library Association on why defending libraries is fighting capitalism.
Reposted byAvatar Brandon Proia
Zibby Owens, daughter of billionaire Stephen A Schwarzman, has pulled out of sponsoring the National Book Awards because she heard that some of the nominees might just say something pro-Palestine. But, you know, she's against censorship.
Israel-Hamas War Sows Disruption at the National Book Two sponsors have withdrawn from the event, planned for Wednesday, after learning that some of the authors involved are planning to call for a cease-fire in the conflict.
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Reposted byAvatar Brandon Proia
If you've been following the crisis at WVU, where I'm an assistant prof of English, you may know that 1. I, along with many colleagues, will find out next month if we'll be laid off in May 2. WVU's lawyer said they're reading profs' social media. Hi.
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one of the immense and sustaining joys recently has been watching our students fight for future WV students to have a real education at the state flagship like the one they've received here's undergrad Andrea Rupp's op-ed in the Charleston Gazette-Mail, WV's biggest newspaper
Andrea Rupp: Students deserve better from WVU (Opinion) For poor, rural students, West Virginia University has been one of the best places to learn, broadly about the world and in-depth about Appalachia. But recommended program and faculty cuts
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One of the more entertaining archive finds I’ve had in awhile. Here’s a 1920 op-Ed from Atlanta that universal fingerprinting will kill the whimsy and mystery of life because no one can manufacture an exciting backstory for themselves. I may have to close my next book with this.
Reading about how the Canadian forests now pumping fine particulate matter into the air used to provide wood pulp for mid century newspapers. So even if you shut the consent manufacturing factories down, the trees get rebranded as carbon offsets & weaponized into airborne toxic events. Cool :)
Reposted byAvatar Brandon Proia
Twitter always had a wide array of party-ruining personalities on it, but only one man dreamed big enough, failed hard enough, and was personally unpleasant enough to actually wreck the thing. One asshole really can change the world.
Burning Down The House | The overheated register in which Silicon Valley types have tended to talk about Twitter is how they always talk about whatever they are selling, right before they move on to selling something else.
Tired: cruel optimism, old is dying and new cannot be born, “the cool zone”, fucking around and finding out; Wired: “rate limit exceeded” but for literally everything
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(emerging from the muck, covered in sludge and grime, absolute filth, the grass withers around me with every step and a horrible stench lingers in the air) what’s up. other websites down
End of feed.