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programmer, musician, writer, man-about-town. my fists pack one million volts
A diet caffeine-free Pepsi is a Potion of Nothing
Woke up with a Rush song stuck in my head. Think this might qualify as an early warning sign of stroke
Nothing on this earth is more satisfying than grabbing an orange cat’s head as one would a hamburger and performing a little improvisational ditty called “Big Burger-Head”
Nothing on this earth is more satisfying than grabbing an orange cat’s head as one would a hamburger and performing a little improvisational ditty called “Big Burger-Head”
It’s literally so big I’m embarrassed to post it. It looks like a dang smokestack
In the grips of COVID-delirium I appear to have ordered an absolutely fucking massive candle
No for real cause a huge candle arrived yday for me and my memory of hitting “order” on Saturday is like 98% fuzzy, and I don’t remember at all why I chose what I did
Rest up pal! I just got over this one—exact same symptoms—and it’s no fun. Wishing you a quick recovery
Great work, buddy. You’re killing it
I have what is almost certainly the new Covid variant, and it is beating my ass and making me dumb at the same time
Reposted byAvatar brometh
Reposted byAvatar brometh
today is the only day you can post this
I told her “that is almost a kind thing to say”
She’s got something there ngl
One of my favorite things about using YouTube is that the songs I like to sample most—sweet soul from the 70’s—are mostly viewed by sundowning Boomers emitting word salad
Why did I tweet this
Invented a raygun to shoot people who are too fond of glassworkers, call that a glazier glazer laser
Invented a raygun to shoot people who are too fond of glassworkers, call that a glazier glazer laser
I had a shitty day at work but I put these planters together , planted some herbs, and installed them on the railing of my balcony, so the day is not a total loss
You can’t really appreciate it properly as captured in this photo but they precisely occupy the entirety of one railing, fitting snugly. It’s very good for my brain
Reposted byAvatar brometh
Just had an exquisitely sad dream
I liked that too, and don’t worry, no one really knows anything about the Wake
Had a real big-brained moment and realized that Elden Ring is high-fantasy Japanese Finnegans Wake: ✅ largely about siblings hating each other ✅ people just become other people when it’s convenient for the narrative ✅ a broken, nonsensical world built in the rotting corpses of giants ✅ incest
Just a heads up: the link is messed up here (extra https due to a missing colon)
Shout out to my coworker who still apparently works at the company but has posted seven Slack messages in the last two months. I don’t know if you’re getting fired or what, but your commitment to not working is inspiring
Forgot to attach a pic of the delicate flower in question
Been giving the cats wet food in the evenings and it turns out Lacey is reluctant to eat near Bowie unless I pick her up and place her there (she’s fine once I do so). Lacey, my sweet angel, light of my life, I need you to fight the patriarchy for one goddamn second
Been giving the cats wet food in the evenings and it turns out Lacey is reluctant to eat near Bowie unless I pick her up and place her there (she’s fine once I do so). Lacey, my sweet angel, light of my life, I need you to fight the patriarchy for one goddamn second
Reposted byAvatar brometh