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my fists pack one million volts
Getting drunk and reading about particle physics and it’s kind of freaking me out. What do you mean my body generates 4,000 antielectrons per day (not making this up)
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Sometimes it's even used intentionally (and just in semiconductors!)
Learned today that electronic components can’t get thinner than around a nanometer because below that electrons, due to quantum mechanics, just end up passing through barriers
I love my friends who are part of Film Twitter, but I can’t lie, the way people over there talk about movies makes them seem like the least enjoyable hobby of all time
At the point in my chronic-illness journey where I can do a nonzero amount of damage by swallowing while looking too far to my left or right
I wonder how many times I have typed out a post and deleted it upon thinking “Hmm, that’s more me-and-my-therapist material.” Probably high four figures at least
Seeing how Biden staying in the race is an inevitable ticket to defeat I don’t really care overmuch if the NYT is being dishonest about Parkinson’s or whatever. Just get the guy the fuck out of here.
Acquiring and rapidly losing a cushy food critic gig due to my insistence on referring to all meals as “a Meſſ of Pottage”
Caught in the act of snoozing
I’ve got a really stupid idea, which is to make lasagna on an 85° day
I’ve got a really stupid idea, which is to make lasagna on an 85° day
Going outside, does anyone need anything
With the advent of tap-to-pay I can go to the grocery story without my wallet, which is a great way to spend a grocery trip asking myself Where The Fuck Is My Wallet
Reposted byAvatar brometh
pawing at my phone when my alarm goes off in the morning: *busta rhymes voice* sleep mode … sleep mode is the greatest …
Reposted byAvatar brometh
got out of work early due to a blown transformer (Optimus prime fell on our building upon receiving fellatio)
Heartbreaking: This Man Was Excited To Get a Blowjob From A Xenomorph, But When She Saw His Dick She Sighed And Popped Out The Tiny Head She Has In Her Mouth
The one TikTok voice makes me homicidal. You know the one. The one that sounds like a nerd trying to sell you a car
Reposted byAvatar brometh
Ah, the world! Oh, the world!
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True story: I woke up this morning with this in my head, still a little stoned, and tried to send this via voice-to-text, but started laughing too hard and didn’t realize that laughter is transcribed, so I sent it with “ha ha ha ha ha” etc. Attached to the end
I have information that will lead to the arrest and prosecution of Mr. Boombastic
some sort of terrible weight has landed upon my frail form
I have information that will lead to the arrest and prosecution of Mr. Boombastic
challenged myself to make a beat in under ten minutes. after two minutes of goofing with samples and five minutes of screen recording me livecoding the shit, here’s what came out
ten minute beat
Non-nerds ignore this: okay, today I was trying to compile some signal processing code on my aarch64 Mac, and thought I was out of luck given it used Intel SSE3 instructions, but managed to salvage it with someone’s third-party compat shim, and it worked first try, ouuuuugh
I try to curb my most millennial-coded aspects, but I just found myself viscerally nostalgic for one particular Flash game site, so obviously I am not wholly successful
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Every Beatles song is either 🎵 Hey, hey, hey 🎵 The sun came up today 🎵 I will be glad today 🎵 I'm going on my way Or (spoken) A woman was just killed Georgina Butterfield 🎵 [distorted circus noises]
Ah… I see you’ve noticed me making a huge racket by clawing at the inside of this box… let me show you
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I bet Taliban pussy goes crazy ⓘ This tweet has been deleted I bet Taliban pussy is nuts ⓘ This tweet has been deleted I bet Taliban pussy is dope and it’s mental health status is none of my business ⓘ This tweet will live on for a thousand years