
I see a prompt is going around for the forty plus types among us to put up selfies so of course I'm gonna do one until I get sick of seeing my own dumbass face and delete it. Anyway this is 47 so far I guess
Anyway, I don’t know how to say this without coming off like a total freak, but I have a thing about oral hygiene and your teeth are absolutely perfect
You don't sound like a freak at all!! Thank you!! I have the same thing, I have a whole rant about teeth as a class indicator and am convinced that a ton of my early career success is because I have naturally straight teeth. My fam didn't have braces kinds of money until I was already in my twenties
In my family we were drilled to take care of our teeth (alas, mine are genetically pretty weak) AND to have rich people table manners (despite living in a travel trailer, alternating between the bush and trailer parks)
Yes!! Same, although I generally disregard those in favor of having awful manners (pointing at people with my fork, bringing up politics at every opportunity, etc)
I mean not the travel trailer part though. That sounds really cool actually, if a bit destabilizing, like living on a houseboat
It was really cool, to be honest! Not very practical once we started school, but as a little kid, I especially liked the winters we spent squatting at the beach. Then when the summer bush work started, we’d bring the family home with us. (We kinda outgrew it when the third sibling was born though!)
On the class thing, my daughter asked me once, when she was about 10, “We don’t speak exactly like other families… why is that?” I said, “It’s because I trained you to speak like rich people.” 😂