
Let's keep arguing about parking spaces, everybody.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration warned Thursday that the United States could face one of its worst hurricane seasons in two decades, predicting 17 to 25 tropical storms, eight to 13 hurricanes and four to seven “major” hurricanes.
This hurricane season could be among the worst in decades, NOAA The NOAA outlook predicts 17 to 25 tropical storms, eight to 13 hurricanes and four to seven “major” hurricanes, and is the most aggressive May prediction the agency has made.
Actually, if we don’t get rid if all the bike lanes and most of the bus stops, then you are just making it harder for working class New Yorkers to drive their cars away from the hurricanes.
A lot of folks probably don't remember the nationwide gas shortages when Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, and Wilma wrecked US production in 2005.