justin van wormer

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justin van wormer


“Dorkus malorkus”
Apparently if you are a disabled Palestinian mauled to death by an IDF canine unit the BBC will call it a "lonely death" instead of saying the truth, which is that you were murdered.
always fun to see who's ready to peel back their human skin and finally Knock Trans Women Down a Peg. go get 'em tiger
You don’t get “run off” of bluesky that’s insane. This ascribes power that simply does not exist. What happens is you just notice that the guidance counselors and open mic tryhards in your mentions here are so annoying that you leave
there are strong arguments for and against this decision but the bottom line is that dsa inflicted self-harm to defend the dignity of palestinians currently enduring a genocidal military campaign and to call them idiotic or whatever else for doing so is a statement about your principles, not theirs
The refusal to endorse AOC is the culmination of a now 7 yr process to interpret & implement the BDS resolution DSA adopted in 2017. It is also, if one reads beyond headlines, an attempt to re-configure DSA’s relationship to politicians the org endorses. www.dsausa.org/statements/s...
Status of DSA National Endorsement for Rep. Ocasio-Cortez - Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)www.dsausa.org On Sunday, June 23rd, the DSA National Political Committee (NPC) voted to endorse Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) so long as she fulfills the following conditions:  This initial endorsem...
oh god, just realized that we’re in for a lot of “that bastard Kubrick” takes inspired by Duvall’s death Duvall herself did not see things that way, and it’s a narrative that imagines her incredible Shining performance was not a product of her own talent and agency it’s insulting
The thing that’s funniest to me about this is the idea that the people currently writing/editing at The Atlantic care about the archival gestalt of the magazine 100 or 150 years ago. Those dullards are not reading Ralph Waldo Emerson or WEB DuBois.
i wonder how much money it takes to build an 'internal Atlantic AI search engine' and whether even a single customer has ever asked for that
Yeah Yeah Yeahs When the sun is just right, you can remember exactly how November 2008 felt. Nothing since has lived up to that moment, but if you're pressed, "It's Blitz!" came pretty close. You have, 3 times, calculated the carbon footprint of new electric vs old Outback.
He’s done it.
Can't stop thinking about the McSweeney's Sad Dad Bands, (first published January 14, 2022.) Back on Twitter, I started a thread of my own riffs on Sad Dad Bands on January 17, 2022. Here is that thread, recreated. www.mcsweeneys.net/articles/wha...
What Your Favorite Sad Dad Band Says About Youwww.mcsweeneys.net The War on Drugs You make your own paella and take super long naps on Saturday. Like over two hours, consistently. You prefer the smallest possible...
ok honey i’m gonna go drive my oxcart in the mud for a few hours. it’s grueling work but it’s honest. for real if i hear a distant piano twinkle signifying i’m the protagonist of a Tides of History episode, portending an era of massive societal change, im gonna be so pissed off
I've found bluesky really disappointing in the wake of the latest Biden controversy, in part because it really is a much more "civilized" app than Twitter and Facebook, at least in terms of my own day-to-day experience. It has nothing to do with the unanimity on the point that Biden should stay in
Atlantic is so badly edited that I think it’s a perfect microcosm of the failures of American liberal meritocracy writ large. Just laziness, inertia, and short term decision making from the top despite having some good material to work with.
I get that it's the plan for the Fifth Reich and such, but I'm sorry, "Project 2025" is the most 2010s foundation-funded mid-sized Midwestern city downtown arts district feasibility study-ass name I ever heard, and I heard 'em all.
I’ll call him what I like and you people will take it.
I think the bigger threat is not so much that the Right will go after internet porn but that they’ll define porn as “the existence of LGBTQ+ people in popular media such as books, TV and movies.”
WASHINGTON (AP) — Supreme Court allows cities to enforce bans on homeless people sleeping outside, even if shelter space is lacking.
Dems: Well, Biden is not viable, obviously. But it'll be alright. There's a big field and primary voters are sure to gravitate towards someone who is not Bernie Sanders. Voters: We are scared and would like to vote for the two white men we have heard of, Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders. Dems: 👁️👄👁️
Biden is too old and it’s affecting both his performance and his popularity. He’s underperforming other Dem candidates in key states. Despite the very good policies and their very good effects, he will probably lose. He shouldn’t be the candidate. The time to deal with this was 2022 at the latest.
Leave it all up to the judges and juries to figure it all out. Also "rewarding" the judges or anyone else, totally legal now.
It's also very important that the guy with the keffiyeh votes for me. Democracy is at stake!
"There is no difference" between a protestor with a keffiyeh wrapped around their head and a klan member with a hood, says NY Assembly member Jeffrey Dinowitz (via Rebecca C. Lewis, City & State)
we live in an age in which we have near limitless storage for data. unfortunately at this time we must erase all works of culture to make room for the infinite sea of machine slop
A not insignificant number of “you have to vote for Biden no matter what happens in Gaza” guys are clearly making the argument because they get a thrill out of what is happening in Gaza.
“Biden will let this keep going seven more months, at which point Trump will make it worse,” is a bad argument, it’s not a checkmate it’s a chilling statement of intent.
What IS Martha Coakley doing these days?
Reminder that Aaron Swartz was facing 35 years in prison and financial devastation for trying to programmatically download and open the contents of JSTOR, which led to him taking his own life. But OpenAI is going to scrape all of academia and make billions by plagiarizing it.
"One of the primary characteristics of a revolutionary cultist is that he despises everyone who has not reached his level of consciousness, or the level of consciousness that he thinks he has reached, instead of acting to bring the people to that level."
Chuck Schumer and Hakeem Jeffries are going to hold a Trump rally, huh?