
It's worth paying attention to what Liz Kruger, the chair of the NYS Senate Finance Committee, has been saying. She's offered perhaps the most thorough evisceration of Hochul's decision of any elected official. Full text, 'cause it doesn't all fit in the alt:
I have never seen politicians in Albany look this pissed off at a press conference. Including every face in the background. The proposed payroll tax is what the governor wants to substitute for revenue from congestion pricing. I'm calling it: Hochul will back down. link:
Sorry, that's Senator Liz Krueger, not Kruger.
Punchy ending “Surrendering carefully considered policy in the face of a vocal minority, trading in the interests of millions of New Yorkers, and plunging the MTA into a massive fiscal crisis for baldly political reasons is absolutely appalling."
Now I know where the full text was! :) I looked on her website. Not there. Needed to move up in the hierarchy. :)
And thank you for sharing! I saw the latter parts of your thread after I posted but I am so glad people are giving Senator Krueger her due. She's been very clearheaded and smart about this terrible situation.
Krueger is like ten times smarter than most of these hacks. And, or she seems to have at least one very smart person working for her writing this stuff. :) This is a cheap political maneuver and I hope Hochul recognizes either that she can't get away with it or not without a lot of pain!
Rule #1 from New York City to Buffalo-born governor: do not mess with Liz Krueger.
the more I read about this, the more I think the proper response is to tell her to Take a Walk. I'm SO tired of watching one word from venal morons stop reasonable people from doing obvious and good policy in the US.
'Hochul then announced she will pardon T***p's recent conviction."