
A strong majority of Americans think Trump should drop out of the 2024 presidential race because of his second indictment involving his alleged "willful" possession of classified documents, according to a poll by the Marist institute of Public Opinion.
Some Dems want Biden to drop out because he's old and caught a cold. But Trump staying in the race after he stole (and sold?) national secrets, tried to overthrow the election results, had a mod storm Congress in a coup attempt, and has been convicted of 34 felonies, that's A-OK.
I feel like the Dems are doing a premature, knee-jerk "Al Franken" on Biden, as if the last three years don't count. But I think they'll come around. Biden is willing to fight Trump to his last breath, and he beat Trump before. That should count for something.
I feel like Jeff Zeintz has been concealing how badly Biden has deteriorated in the past 6 months & is puppet mastering him the same way Feinstien's staff did w/ her. Pretending Biden is fine is not a winning strategy. I will vote for whichever Dem is against trump but Biden can't campaign.
I agree Biden is more frail than they admit. Presidency does it to everybody but Trump. It didn't wear on him because he never did it; his progressing dementia is his downfall. Biden's health is definitely a concern. But to admit it and pull out now hands the WH to Trump. We can't.
I think if Harris is handed the batton & comes out with an aggressive press schedule & a debate where she constantly talks about women's rights & this extreme right activist court she will win in a landslide. I say this as someone who doesn't really like her.
And the media is complicit
Those two things are apples & oranges. It goes w/o saying that the only person who should drop out is trump & his filthy party should force him out. Our silver spoon brigade media knows he won't do that, so they don't push for that. Ppl worried about Biden are terrified of him loosing.
Avatar where are the damned stories about this. On repeat.
“But he hasn’t been found guilty!!”
Good news! Ya know that conviction of his that they now have to go through with a fine toothed comb to make sure none of his paying off a women he had an affair with was an official act? Yeah all those convictions will stand per multiple people who know the law.
"We think he should drop out of the race, but when he doesn't we shall continue to support him unconditionally" very good, excellent principles, award yourselves 97000 patriotism points