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Gardener, musician, Walker of dogs. Working to ensure my community is food secure and we actually might just get there.
My wife came home tonight and surprised me with beer. For dinner I made roast pork belly from a local farm with veg picked fresh from our garden. People frequently ask me how it is we’ve managed to stay together for 33 years. You do the math.
A gracious good evening from the garden dear friends. I hope this brings you a little peace.
Good morning from the garden. We thought we’d turn the slope on the south side of the garden into a squash plot.The squash seem to like their new home.The pumpkins in the foreground are grown from seed we saved from Dad’s cheese pumpkins.We’ve continued to save the seed and grow them in his memory.
Good morning from the garden. It’s getting very pink out here.
So our pandemic project was to build M a She Shed. She came in a few minutes ago and informed me what we apparently actually did was build a $12,000 dog house. Lily has taken up residence.
First walk in the woods with Lily in some time. It’s hot out but it’s cool on the trees.
Good morning from the garden! The hydrangea can’t make up it’s kind what to wear so it’s wearing everything.
My American friends. In July of 1988 Michael Dukakis held a 17 point lead in the polls over George Bush Sr. He lost that election by 8 points, a 25 point margin of error. Donald Trump is going to lose and lose big. Just make sure you get in on the fun of taking him down. Vote!
Good morning from the garden where the first eyeliner lily has opened!
My American friends I just heard something awful. You’ve heard about this project 2025, 900 pages of the worst policy imaginable to be rolled out in a 2nd Trump term. It’s to be rolled out in the first 180 days. All of it. No time to legislate or litigate. Still think Biden is too old?
Good morning from the moon garden!
When you realize the plants you bought won’t set fruit for 4 years
You can’t grow figs in Canada: Our Fig tree responds:
A tale of two nations: While the U.S. awakens to find its Supreme Court has turned it into a kingdom, up in Canada I’m setting up the AC unit the government sent me. Just in time too, it’s heating up at the end of the week.
To my Canadian friends: Happy Canada Day! To my American friends: Happy Steve Bannon goes to prison day!
Men only want one thing and it’s disgusting.
Men only want one thing and it’s disgusting
On our way down to the city we were going to play punch Tesla but then we saw how many were heading to Whistler and we realized it would turn into a proper Donnybrook if we did. So we played punch ‘57 Chev Belair instead. So far nothing.
When the wedding is at a mill and the happy couple are off getting their photos done..make mill art!
The Stawamis chief. We lived in its shadow for ten years. Back for a wedding.
Back in the old hood at a venue my old band played many times. Sadly they haven’t had live music in here in a long time.
Good morning from the meadow. Conditions are such that daisies are blooming all over the island in droves.
This is an accurate description of my relationship with music. Saving up to buy an album and then sharing it and getting lost in the music. This isn’t old guy vs young. It’s simply experiencing music differently.
The Real Reason Why Music Is Getting In this episode, I discuss the crisis in music in two acts: Act I - Music is too Easy to MakeAct II - Music is too Easy to Consume...and their cumulative neg...
Rehabbing in the sun. Pinky pal still numb and slow but my ring finger seems fine now..half numb but functioning
Oh and good day from the garden and the birthday girls. Our Lily (on the right) and her sister Ivy celebrate their second birthday today.