
I keep wondering if maybe eventually the Republican base will abandon Trump not so much because of practical issues like the logistical headaches of trying to do international politics as a convicted felon but because it’s really impossible to ignore the fact that he’s just a garbage human being
I suppose there may be some folks for whom his selfishness, mendacity, pettiness, and cruelty are features but I really don’t think those things are appealing to the majority of the base. They might like the idea that he’s “strong” or “uncompromising” but not that he’s a whiny loser prick
The problem is 25% or so of the population *adore* him for these They're the same ones watching Faux N00z 24/7 You can't explain THEM away, or handwave them off Sadly, the truth is, a quarter or so of our population is stupid evil, & lots of them are related to us We have choices to make