Katie Mack

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Katie Mack


Cosmologist, pilot, author, connoisseur of cosmic catastrophes. @TEDFellow, CIFAR Azrieli Global Scholar. She/her. Dr.
If you like to learn about the universe in ~5 minute videos, check out my new series!
The first episode of my new video series, Cosmology 101, is out now! This one is about cosmic expansion. Check it out and subscribe to the Perimeter Institute’s YouTube channel to get the whole series! youtu.be/7GC8XOKwRpM?... #Cosmology101
Expansion of the Universe Explained | Cosmology 101 Episode 1youtu.be In this episode of Cosmology 101, we dive into the concept of an expanding universe. From the first moments of the Big Bang, our cosmos has been stretching i...
Briefly opened up LinkedIn intending to post something but I had to close it again before the overwhelming weight of the achievement porn put me in danger of quitting my job and going to live in a cave
If you get into a fight in my mentions I will mute or block you and everyone who is fighting with you; please do not do it
Good sky today
The first episode of my new video series, Cosmology 101, is out now! This one is about cosmic expansion. Check it out and subscribe to the Perimeter Institute’s YouTube channel to get the whole series! youtu.be/7GC8XOKwRpM?... #Cosmology101
Expansion of the Universe Explained | Cosmology 101 Episode 1youtu.be In this episode of Cosmology 101, we dive into the concept of an expanding universe. From the first moments of the Big Bang, our cosmos has been stretching i...
Reposted byAvatar Katie Mack
Please excuse a non-nature post. This is happening now to bring awareness to Long Covid. I've been watching for half an hour and already learned a lot. Dianna Cowern is an incredible science Youtuber who's been in bed with Long Covid for almost two years. Hosted by Simone Giertz & others. 🧪
Physics Girl LIVE with long Covidwww.youtube.com Dianna is Live streaming a day in her life as someone suffering from long COVID and ME/CFS. The purpose of the Livestream is to raise money and awareness for...
Went to a clinic today for a routine medical thing and was once again amazed by the number of people who are happy to hang out and just freely breathe in all the air juice inside the germ emporium
I still think this and I try to keep it in mind even while 80% of my feed is people expressing outrage and vitriol at anyone who isn’t wholeheartedly promoting some specific opinion about the best path forward for the world
I really do believe that most people are basically good, mean well, and want to have a positive impact on the world
Reposted byAvatar Katie Mack
something very John Green / @astrokatie.com about the latest Dinosaur Comics
"get the hell outta my face": boring, cliche, unspecific. "get the hell out of my observable universe": exciting, asks questions and suggests the answers to them, promotes science literacy and science awareness qwantz.com/index.php?co...
Reposted byAvatar Katie Mack
I’m only 10 minuted into “The universe” by @astrokatie.com and John Green, and I’m already sold to this journey into the first fraction of a nanosecond of the Universe (wait what?) podcasts.apple.com/es/podcast/c...
‎Crash Course Pods: The Universe en Apple Podcastspodcasts.apple.com ‎Ciencias · 2024
Me and my new bff (best furry friend)
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Happy 4th of July! In the wise words of Ben Franklin: The Bald Eagle is a Bird of bad moral Character. Too lazy to fish for himself. The Turkey is a more respectable Bird, though vain & silly, a Bird of Courage, and would attack a Brit who should presume to invade his Farm Yard with a red Coat on.
lol someone is impersonating me (please block and report if you see them)
@astrokatie.com Dr Mack is this a second account or an imposter?
Got a haircut. Looking fabulous. No I will not be providing any evidence for this claim, you must rely on your faith in my unimpeachable honesty and use your imagination
Reposted byAvatar Katie Mack
The Universe by @astrokatie.com and John Green continues to be one of my favorite listens this year youtu.be/MKX1k0kOYMU?...
The Story of Dark Matter | Crash Course Pods: The Universe #6youtu.be "How do we know that dark matter is there?" In this episode, Dr. Katie Mack and John Green unpack the full story of dark matter. Head to https://policygenius.com/crashcourse to get your free life insurance quotes and see how much you could save.This show is a production of Complexly. If you want to help keep Crash Course free for everyone, forever, you can join our community on Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/crashcourse *** Support us for $5/month on Patreon to keep Crash Course free for everyone forever! https://www.patreon.com/crashcourse Or support us directly: https://complexly.com/support Join our Crash Course email list to get the latest news and highlights: https://mailchi.mp/crashcourse/email Get our special Crash Course Educators newsletter: http://eepurl.com/iBgMhY Thanks to the following patrons for their generous monthly contributions that help keep Crash Course free for everyone forever: Forrest Langseth, Emily Beazley, Neeloy Gomes, oranjeez, Rie Ohta, Jack Hart, UwU, Leah H., David Fanska, Andrew Woods, Stephen Akuffo, Ken Davidian, Toni Miles, AmyL, Steve Segreto, Kyle & Katherine Callahan, Laurel Stevens, Krystle Young, Burt Humburg, Perry Joyce, Scott Harrison, Alan Bridgeman, Mark & Susan Billian, Breanna Bosso, Matt Curls, Jennifer Killen, Jon Allen, Sarah & Nathan Catchings, Bernardo Garza, team dorsey, Trevin Beattie, Indija-ka Siriwardena, Jason Rostoker, Siobhán, Ken Penttinen, Barrett Nuzum, Nathan Taylor, Les Aker, William McGraw, Rizwan Kassim, Vaso , ClareG, Alex Hackman, Constance Urist, kelsey warren, Katie Dean, Stephen McCandless, Wai Jack Sin, Ian Dundore, Caleb Weeks __ Want to find Crash Course elsewhere on the internet? Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/thecrashcourse/ Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/YouTubeCrashCourse Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/TheCrashCourse CC Kids: http://www.youtube.com/crashcoursekids
Sometimes you have to block just to remove the dramatically evil caricature of yourself from someone’s view, and it’s the best thing for everyone
Part of a good thread that illustrates why I don’t hang out on Twitter/X anymore
There was an even bigger difference in the comments received. All on Threads and all but one here were positive, constructive, or neutral (one person was just being a jerk, not a troll). Only 18% on X were positive or neutral. The rest were negative, many highly so.
Reposted byAvatar Katie Mack
Yesterday, I shared this same Canada Day thread on Bluesky, Threads, and X. Here's what I found. 🧵
“Canada is such a northern country, don’t we want a little global warming?” I often hear. In a nutshell, NO. We’re warming 2x faster than the rest of the world, driving extreme heat, flood, and sea level rise we are not prepared for. The wildfire season started in Feb this year. Feb! #canadaday
Canada’s Changing Climate Reportchangingclimate.ca
Keeping Trump out of the White House isn’t the only thing that needs doing and it isn’t enough to solve all problems facing the country & world but if it isn’t done then all those problems get exponentially worse in ways I don’t even know how to express and it scares me when people pretend otherwise
I kinda feel like now that the Supreme Court has declared it legal for a president to straight-up murder people they don't like, it's probably even more important to not elect people who seem extremely inclined to murder people they don't like
🇨🇦 Went for a Canada Day walk this morning with @vriccithode.bsky.social and her pack 🐾
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roberts’ reasoning is fundamentally (lower-case “r”) anti-republican. i know we dunk on the framers here but roberts has issued a rebuke of the revolutionary assumption that concentrated, unaccountable power is a fundamental threat to liberty.
It's just hilariously disingenuous. Imagine looking at, say, ALL OF HUMAN HISTORY and concluding that the biggest threat to liberty isn't abuse of power, but powerful people refraining from sufficiently wielding their authority out of fear that they might one day be held accountable.
Reposted byAvatar Katie Mack
When you think about it, it's ridiculous that "annoy people until they give you their money and/or data" is the default business model for so much of the internet now.
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Absolutely infuriating that we have no infrastructure to notify the population of these trends. City public health departments should be monitoring local wastewater and sending alerts to the entire population when it crosses a specific threshold.
Just FYI we’re entering a summer Covid wave right now (especially western regions in the US); you can see it in the CDC wastewater plot here (and anecdotally a bunch of my friends are suddenly testing positive). www.cdc.gov/nwss/rv/COVI...
Wastewater COVID-19 National and Regional Trendswww.cdc.gov CDC’s National Wastewater Surveillance System, U.S. National trends
This is how your e-mail finds me
when I come across a bad post
why should any one give chase to that hated fish! Away with me! let us fly these deadly waters! let us home!
Getting the strong impression that all of California is just one big covid soup at the moment 😬😷
Just FYI we’re entering a summer Covid wave right now (especially western regions in the US); you can see it in the CDC wastewater plot here (and anecdotally a bunch of my friends are suddenly testing positive). www.cdc.gov/nwss/rv/COVI...
Wastewater COVID-19 National and Regional Trendswww.cdc.gov CDC’s National Wastewater Surveillance System, U.S. National trends
Reposted byAvatar Katie Mack
Woke up this morning and wasted an entire half hour of what remains of my life posting about the debate and election when I could have been looking at a plant or something. Deleted everything so I would stop reading/replying to inanity and went for a run instead. Learn from my mistake, friends.
Reposted byAvatar Katie Mack
Pablo has been a Salinas area lettuce worker for 30 years and shares, "We want Biden because he supports Latinos. Not only with his words, but with his actions. Joe Biden's support has given us hope that farm workers will get the opportunity for work permits." #Debates2024