
I guess the sad thing about all this is the realization that not only is the media not a defense against fascism but with its current incentive structures in 2024 is actively helping to usher it in
Journalism nowadays is like “sure he lied, but did he do it EFFECTIVELY”
Not that all of this is new but Billionaires own newspapers, they own social media, they own the way we search for news online, and in every arena they’re simply enforcing their interests, at some point Peter Theil will get control of Wikipedia and that’ll go to shit…anyways videogames are good
Feel like Trump namedropping Snopes was a good indication of how the rightwing is going to use the husk of American journalism for their own ends, like how Newsweek is just a bonkers made up thing nowadays but sounds legit because people remember it being a real magazine
Well yea. They saw how well FauX N00z & fuckwad Rupert did in getting Brexit across the line, so now they're doing it here Seriously, go take a look at the media coverage in the UK - it may as well be owned by Moscow & Rupert outright