Professor Coolbreeze

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Professor Coolbreeze

Academic. Time-Scientist studying shareholders and shareholder activism. Cocktail Maker. Future Fact Checker of LLM generated texts.
Is it unreasonable for me to expect students to be able to differentiate between different types of sources when they are all digitally delivered as pdfs or should I have expected them to cite them all as websites? 🗃️
I'm a big fan of this Wagner Act meme I just made for a lecture.
On one hand, JD Vance is the sweatiest, thirstiest, most power-worshipping goon in the party who will slavishly carry out a cruel and vindictive policy against the enemies of his masters. On the other, vice president pick most likely to club Trump with a bust of himself to seize power.
My new online bit is to show up in people's replies and say that LSU has bacta tanks in their athletic facility when relevant. Is it true? Could be.
I guess it's good I already started drinking.
Mar-tea-ni (dry gin Martini with black tea infused gin and blanc vermouth)
Gladiator is one the great pre-9/11 movies that really makes you think it came out afterwards.
I still haven't really forgiven Joaquin Phoenix for killing Richard Harris in Gladiator.
I still haven't really forgiven Joaquin Phoenix for killing Richard Harris in Gladiator.
*Walking through bar, giving young people finger guns* "You're looking pretty cool!"
Michael Clayton Yard Sign Army Rise Up
this is completely disqualifying for a presidential candidate
Pitch: How Hochul's handling of congestion pricing predicted the Democratic Party's handling of Biden's nomination. Relatedly, how happy does she get to be knowing that her bungling has been knocked out of the news?
Need a non-problematic name for a Planter's Punch
Reading a Vox piece on whether replacing Biden is or is not democratic and I'm kind of stuck on their acceptance that it wasn't worth running a primary against him because it was hard and none of the alternatives wanted to risk it. Real profiles in courage.
Doing a lot of document collection and I am upset with defaults.
My class essentially
I just knew I'd get a nerd class. Not even a cool nerd
I just knew I'd get a nerd class. Not even a cool nerd
Your current stats Class: cleric Level: 1 Experience: 0 Gold: 15
Can I buy a stillsuit? A working one I mean.
Hard Target is pretty good. Not sure I'd say it's a good JCVD movie, Woo's slow-mo makes him look a little less impressive, but it's pretty solid.
Young men dressing and looking like JCVD in Hard Target. Biden brought us back.
Requote this post with the best stage adaptation of a Wes Anderson film: Moonrise Kingdom
Bluesky is kind of a mean-spirited place but it is worth it when we occasionally all come together and clown on someone like that guy posting about how to properly address the new British Prime Minister: Lord Autumn Bottom.
Learning William Daniels (played John Adams in 1776) is still alive and still married to Bonnie Bartlett in the longest Hollywood marriage. Pretty neat.
The Nathan's Hot Dog contest is one of those things I find genuinely delightful and celebratory but cannot watch it or go into an intense period of intestinal distress. I'm happy for them, but have no desire to look upon it like one might resist reading an eldritch tome to preserve one's soul.
Watching an infomercial for what looks like health corsets.
Killing time at the Tampa Airport and do they have a live mariachi band? Not really going to check it out but I like the mystery that there might be one.
Putting this in Simpsons terms to cope