
Tell me something about yourself that you are proud of. It can be as simple as finishing a book you've been reading, or as wild and epic as saving a life, or anything in between!
I punched a Nazi once. And I'll gladly do it again!
I have written a number of novels and TTRPG books, and every time I do, I prove the people who told me I would never amount to anything very very wrong.
I managed emigration from America twice NOT EASY.
My daughter I know I only produced 50% but hey
I decisively quit drinking about 10yrs ago, & it has always been one of the best decisions I ever made.
I have never beat anybody up. Mainly because if I tried I'd lose. But, my taunting from a distance is top-notch. I'm sorry, that's two.
I appear to be pretty good at soothing my 2-year-old nephew back to sleep when he wakes up in the night.
3 years ago I start drawing regularly, I wanted and want to live by my art and now I feel proudly of myself about my creations, and I can earn money with it. There still road to achieve my ultimate goal but I’m enjoying the process 💜
maybe it’s dumb, but i am very proud of the awards i have won from my industry. when i got the hall of fame, i really felt validated by the recognition of my 20+ years in the industry. i never imagined i would win even one award so i can’t help it, i am proud of them.
I'm about to finish my second TTRPG campaign as a GM (that is, the second that's ending as planned, with a conclusion to the story, not due to scheduling issues or lack of interest). I also survived the lowest mental health point of my life while getting here.
I helped a sex worker get an abortion that she so badly needed. If I quit sex work right now, I will have felt it was all worth it to save the life of a fellow model.
I am proud that I'm strong enough not to become another of the 22 a day. I will not give in. I have too much to live for and people that I know love and care for me.
Oh, man, I can't believe I missed this. I wrote a bunch of short stories between 2011 and 2016 and then officially moved into self-publishing in 2020. I'm also told from friends that I've gotten Very good at GMing tabletop RPGs, despite forgetting a lot of rules most of the time.
I helped a good friend get into Magic: The Gathering this year! She likes it so much she bought dice for it. 😊
Helped a lady once at a beach that fell and couldn’t get back up cause the waves kept knocking her down. It was early in the morning. I tried to warn them it was rough. She started taking in water. Glad I got there in time. The ocean is rougher than most imagine.
I used my passport for the first time since I got it years ago. Feels like I opened up the range of possibilities.
I’m proud that I still have fun sharing after decades… and that I’m wishing you the most epic experience with your first video.
I was tortured throughout my childhood. Starting before my memories. But I developed techniques to reprogram my brain. I still live with a lot of pain that is unexplainable to others, but have also made bunches of films. One has won 24 awards.
I am down to 200 lbs from 300 last year.
Growing more patient with certain types of idiots as of late.