Robert Is Lost In The Wires || Mr. 404

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Robert Is Lost In The Wires || Mr. 404

Author-shaped Human || Simp for Justice || Gorilla Channel Truther || Kaiju Groupie || Blocking is self-care || Follow-For-Follow not guaranteed
Me when Danielle Smith says people should "dial it down" when criticizing the CPC:
"You couldn't make 'Blazing Saddles' today-" No, YOU couldn't make Blazing Saddles today. Boots Riley probably could.
StickerNinja is run by a BIPOC woman who uses her platform to uplift marginalized voices in the arts community, and she's/StickerNinja is also LOUDLY pro-Palestine. ✊🏽 🍉
I found out last week that SM are Trumpets, and despite me using them once a month for years, it was a really easy decision to say nope, never again. And I would then to tell them exactly why they lost my business.
Home Page - Sticker Sticker Ninja is your friendly sticker print shop!! We produces high quality vinyl stickers that are waterproof, UV resistant, and don't fade! Turning your art into stickers since 2011 :)
Briar out here making good shit. Give Spider & Skull a follow!
Spider is an Aries and and their blood type is AB. Nothing like taking your nice simple little line art comic and making it three-quarters complicated full-colour (complicated full-colour for you, anyway). [1/2]
There are a dozen or more Teen Exorcist Squad series on MangaPlus trying to capitalize on Jujutsu Kaisen and Demon Slayer's popularity, and it's hard for me to care about any of them because for my money, they've boiled the concept down to its barest of components. There's no meat on the bone.
Alright friends, it's #weebwednesday but abridged because i have a busy day ahead of me - post em, and i'll try to get to em as soon as I can!
Hope I'm not too late for #portfolioday I'm an author, columnist, editor, and screenwriter who was in several anthologies and magazines between 2011 and 2016, then moved into self-publishing in 2018. Currently moving into TTRPG design. More on me in my About section here!
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I don't know who needs to hear this, but if an old lady wearing a plastic garbage bag as a raincoat asks you to buy some groceries for them, that's an EXP-only side quest but it does temporarily increase your Good Vibes modifier by +2.
I can't wait to see Vaush debate Grimace on whether or not ICE should be abolished.
Not exaggerating when I say I would rather overdose on fentanyl a hundred times before watching this.
Something that I wish more people understood is that Voting, Posting, and Hoping For A Revolution aren't the only things you can do in times of strife and turmoil. If you're able to and feel safe doing so, please consider organizing or working with local grassroots groups trying to make life better.
In case you haven't guessed it, I'll be keeping my distance from A Certain Author I once admired and had some fun interactions with here on The Blue Site until they are either brought to justice or sorted out. I withdraw my previous statements made at them and in their defence until further notice.
it's the way it gets treated like antiretrovirals for me. "oh you exposed yourself to that Bad Persons books now you must do penance and kill the unwoke mind virus by reading this not white person's book"
honestly hate that every time there's an industry bad actor, lists of "works by marginalized authors to support instead" start circulating like it's a moral obligation to be done out of guilt, & it's crickets every other day of the year. my art is not to be taken in as a reactionary measure
honestly hate that every time there's an industry bad actor, lists of "works by marginalized authors to support instead" start circulating like it's a moral obligation to be done out of guilt, & it's crickets every other day of the year. my art is not to be taken in as a reactionary measure
I'm going to make a mental note to not be in the fandom of any public figure who is still alive.
Jerry Siegel, co-creator of Superman, 61, at his clerking job in Los Angeles, 1975
I'm part of the "Last Airbender/Teen Titans/Castlevania are anime" crowd. Mainly, this is because I feel that anime is a style rather than a genre, but also because I don't like the argument that "it's not anime if it wasn't made in Japan." Art, even pop art, shouldn't have such firm boundaries.
#weebwednesday time! You know the drill - quote-skeet your weebiest takes. No racist shit, no intentionally inflammatory shit, let's get it on!
I learned today that popular pulp magazine character The Shadow was originally based on the fictional radio announcer Street & Smith had for their detective dramas, which is wild because it's basically the 1930s equivalent to giving Toonami's T.O.M. his own space opera serial.
This shit combined with all the nonsense about IQ is basically astrology for libertarians.
they keep inventing new guys
If you see this, post the tweet that made you leave Twitter forever. #Qwitter
Joking about Trump vs. Biden 2 as a Canadian is fun and all until you remember that we have an election next year and the opposition is being manhandled by some ex-Harper goon and cr*ptocurrency fanboy who looks like he's about to lecture me on Gundam trivia.
Want to know more about Saturday's pop-up event? I've got you covered! Promo video: DEPLOY
This seems like a good as time as any to let people know that I will be doing a pop-up store at the YOUTHFUL VENGEANCE cafe on June 29th! Full details can be found this Time Cube-ass poster I slapped together in Krita. Cafe's Instagram is @theyouthfulvengeance, please hit them up Thank you!
Pop Up Store at Youthful Vengeance! Come join me at the Youthful Vengeance cafe this Saturday from noon to 4:30! Buy some books, say hello, get a drink and chat! I might have updates on upcomin...
I loved this and wanted to create a little comic for it. This is how I imagined the exchange going. I hope you like it ☺️
"If you need me," said my 7 year old son, "I'll be in my mind."
Not enough people are talking about the absolutely wild and weird Revolutionary Girl Utena movie. Highly experimental, killer soundtrack, and probably the greatest/only film to end with two lesbians escaping Purgatory by having one of them turn into a car.
It is #weebwednesday once again! You know the drill, quote-skeet with your weeb shit but no racist stuff, nothing intentionally inflammatory, hit me!