
Fat furs!—I want to create a space for us to be fully ourselves. Loud and fucking proud. I have a Telegram chat that is a great start, and I’d like to be a little more public and do outreach.
Streams to put a face on our community, or resources for newcomers, panels at cons, that kind of thing. Anything you can think of, I’m interested. Share this around, get as many people thinking what they’d like to see, and tag me! if you’re interested in the Telegram chat!
Buddy’s Big Fat “.” Come in and chew the fat! This is a body-positive general purpose 18+ chat. We share art, meet people, all the good stuff. Share whatever you have, as long as it’s SFW and I don’t have to explain ...
Not sure why, but was expecting "The Rounder House" :p
What I would have gone with if hadn’t beaten me to it!