
I had a colonoscopy today, a little young (I'm 43 & it's usually recommended to start at 45) As I got ready for it I was only really told negative things about the process. I am pleased to report that every step was way more easy than anyone told me.
Not to say that it's only easy for people or that people exaggerate, but to let you know it can be easy. 1. fasting - went fine because I drank a LOT of water (200/5L) 2. prep drink - the kind I had tasted like a slightly salty energy drink 3. clearing the system - not rough
4. anesthesia - moderate, i have full memory but it was easy and smooth 5. back home, tired, hungry, none of the immediate post issues I was told the most important thing people fail to do is DRINK ENOUGH WATER - that was a full time job to drink enough
now for the results- 5 polyps were removed, one 8 mm. That's more than average, especially for someone 43 on their first time. I'm waiting for the biopsy so I'm not going to comment- but they were all sessile and could be cancerous/precancerous. I'm glad that I did it.
Colon cancer is on the rise for younger folks, and it might be connected to microplastics among other things. The ACA still covers colonoscopies, so if you are eligible and have been putting them off, go do them—especially before the social support system declines.
The most significant emotion I feel at the prospect of cancer is regret that I feel like I missed my 30s to CPTSD and depression and hope that I still have enough time to do the things that I want to do. I'll see what the lab results are.
Same, except I went full anesthesia - no memory. My last recollection is asking the doctor that if he used the same probe for the endoscopy and colonoscopy, to please do the endoscopy first.
I'll add that I've had a ton of them, starting as a young child, and it's rare to have memories from the procedure. The prep drink can be 👎, but there are a few different options for it these days and it tends to be manageable. The last thing I did before the world shut down in 2020 was get scoped!
huh, when my worlds collide. i do colonos lol. don't take medical advice from people on the internet but: the vast majority of subcm polyps are benign, so there's that. i personally think the guidelines haven't caught up w the epidemic of young Ca - getting more advanced at younger ages, it's nuts.
I hope I didn’t say anything that I shouldn’t have please correct me. I’m not gonna worry about it until I get the conversation about it
I’ve been reading journal articles all day and it’s just interesting to see the potential that micro plastics have for all sorts of cancer increase
oh no not at all!! colonic polyps are certainly mostly precancerous and rarely actual cancer which is why it's good to yoink them. just saying, the odds are with you, godspeed. the science isn't yet caught up with microplastics and PFAS effects on human health either, but i don't think it's good.
I know a lot of people who turned 45 during the last few years and have not yet gone in. Gotta use it while we still have the ACA
I think a distinction can be made between fully benign (which some polyps are) and premalignant (which many polyps are), meaning they are not cancer but may develop into cancer if left in place. That's why we take them out :)
did you have any trouble with insurance? mine wouldn't pay if under 45 and not some underlying condition
I have an underlying condition that required it. That’s as far into detail I’m willing to go.
yeah, same (just had first colonoscopy at 42)
unfortunately my colonoscopy experience was worse because of the underlying condition (was pretty sick at the time) but hopefully future ones will be pretty easy!
This was my experience also. Get a colonoscopy if it is recommended for you. Do not rely on tests like cologuard, which have both high false positive and false negative rates.
if you can get the pills next time instead of the drink it makes the whole prep process even easier!