
Maybe it's because art isn't my job, but I don't even really understand the logic behind the people who make posts like that. "My art career isn't going great, so I'm going to offer my services to people I very openly don't respect." Like, do they actually think that's gonna work out?
I almost have to imagine people who talk about "stooping down to drawing furry porn" are never actually going to do it and instead are just wanting to trash other artists. Like, a huge part of being an artist online is customer service and interaction, they have to know better right?
It's an ugly sentiment I see non-furries toss around whenever furries come up: "My artist friend makes bank off them but he thinks they're gross" Most furries WANT to work with other people in their community who share a passion for the same things, though. Those stories are overblown, I'm sure.
Passionately crafted furry art is extremely valid, and so is the exploration of identity and self discovery it helps facilitate in people
Drawing the animal people isn't my job, but otherwise you've perfectly summed up 'why art' x3 Us horny trans/enby furries deserve all the love and visibility too. :D And it feels good to give that visibility.
the meme video going around about being a child of light and refusing furry commissioners until offered $30,000 really pisses me off because of this
tangentially, anyone notice how much more prevalent "faceless human fucking judy hopps/loona/roxanne wolf/etc." images have become over the past five years or so?
so true.. 🤝😔 btw in the past I was ashamed to draw my ocs and call myself a furry because of my "normal friends", but now I am free, and I have my silly stories to cope with different traumas ahah
Furry porn is cool as shit! I'm new to the scene, and I have months of practice and backlog from just trying to figure out the basics of how to do this. I have SO far left to go. Nobody who has actually tried with their whole chest to draw anthro says something like this.
this is the Very Online Artist equivalent of Joe pointing to an abstract piece at MoMA and saying "I could do that at home pfft"
Ya ever see something at just the right moment for you? Why do the "weird" things you enjoy? Why create art that might languish in obscurity, or try something that might not work? For the love of the game! For the sheer joy of kink and horny trans furries! For yourself! It's. Nice.