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Undead possum named Pebble | primary social is | they/them aro/ace | ADHD | bird hell shitposter refugee | probably older than you | antifascist and anticapitalist | U.S. | 🚮 | icon by
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The Epstein grand jury records that were unsealed today contain some entirely unsurprising revelations
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Vote or don't, but the fact that we're stuck with one of these old assholes is proof positive that we already didn't have a democracy left to save.
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right under our noses
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Moving into a new apartment today, and the air conditioner isn't working as well as it should. Check the filter and they they spray painted it they spray painted the vent with the air filter still inside they spray painted the air filter
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People pushing criminalization of homeless people want them to die. There are internal differences over how openly to do this or how fast. This isn’t ignorant or irrational—it is ghoulish. The stakes have to be made clear.
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Gordon ramsey: you fucking DONKEY. What did I tell you? Chef: You said you've got to... pay the cheese tax every time you're um cooking Ramsey: so why did this fucking puppy come looking?! Chef: I forgot to- Ramsey: jesus christ this bastard forgot to pay the cheese tax
I for one am excited for the new Pride month holiday of Lesbian Halloween.
It is *JUNE*
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Courtesy of user @ xdanielArt on the former birdsite: This is the most comprehensive and up-to-date list of Adobe alternatives I’ve seen, sharing here to save an artist’s life, wallet and livelihood 🙏
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all of *this* because the democratic party didn't want bernie sanders.
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Capitalism, in practice, is trying to get as close as you possibly can to slavery without triggering a violent revolt.
two months away motherfuckers
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A homeless shelter wrote an amicus brief in the Grant’s Pass case. They argued SCOTUS should let the city arrest the homeless because, and I am not shitting you, the ban on doing so meant less people were willing to abide by their “two church services a day and no sex” requirement to sleep inside.
Gorsuch literally wrote, in almost those exact same words, "In its majestic equality, the law forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, beg in the streets and steal loaves of bread."
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The system they've created in the course of a week
They're not going to replace Biden. His only job was to prevent Bernie in 2020, and make sure no new progressives got a chance this year. Both times, losing to Trump was a risk Democratic leadership had already accepted as justifiable to make that happen.
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Our Front Page:
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Personal note I'm getting really fucking annoyed at the arrogance of the Democrats. They think they just are owed the office and are so complacent in everything that they unironically have a corpse barely able to say a single word without stumbling over it next to a guy that is just lying.
So Biden apparently just mentally bluescreened in the debate on a health care question, and after fumbling words for a bit, ended with "we finally beat Medicare." I'm so goddamn mad that we're stuck with this demented asshole who no one wanted in the first place.
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There is literally no good reason to watch a debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. You say you have a good reason? No you don't. It's a bad one and your brain is tricking you
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INCREDIBLE. Israel publishes footage of bombing someone on a bicycle, calling him a PIJ operative. Doctors Without Borders condemns the attack which killed Fadi and 5 other people including 3 children, while he was cycling to work near the clinic where he was providing care.
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Bless my Discord pals for pointing out how hilarious it is for one of the "Swamps" in the Assassin's Creed set being literally London.
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The Telegraph publishes a story alleging that the Beirut airport is being used to house weapons for Hezbollah, seemingly making the civilian airport a palatable Israeli target for the western public. All the sources are anonymous and details about the sources get changed after publication.
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Serial killer on TV: - extremely smart - also, cunning like an animal - charismatic but cold ‐ troubled childhood - operatic sensibilities - can only be caught by the greatest detective Serial killer IRL: - just a cop - a regular cop - cops won't stop him because he is a cop
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Should be national news: - Cop accused of grooming & raping 15 year old - Two other cops had sex with her in cop cars - She gets pregnant, found dead - Cop was last one to see her alive, in apt where she was found - Ruled suicide with no tests on DNA evidence - No criminal charges against anyone
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I learned at an engineering conference recently that one crypto mine in TX, 100s of MW, makes more money off ERCOT demand response markets than it does off crypto repeat: TX ratepayers pay them more to sometimes stop mining than they make by actual mining just bananas misuse of power markets 🔌💡
Crypto-mining accounts for 2% of all U.S. electricity usage. (Bitcoin alone consumes the same amount of energy as the entire state of Utah.)
Crypto Mining Consumes a Mind-Boggling 2% of U.S. Bitcoin alone consumes roughly the same amount of energy as Utah.
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if you have heard an uproar about a pro-palestine protest at a synagogue, it was targeted because it was holding an israeli real estate fair including homes in the west bank and was therefore an entirely legitimate target of protest in that moment
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it be like that all the time
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i've already seen a number of blatantly-transphobic people cheering that they'll be "free from the tyranny" of aegis so if you want them to stay muted, taurus is solid and hopefully will not explode in a month too