
thinking about how when i was cashiering in 2020 a $100 grocery order was a Big order, and now 4 years later a full cart can easily break $300-$400 and i have at least one $500+ order a day come through my line
I was a Walmart cashier about fifteen years ago. We spend as much for like 1/3 the stuff.
you can easily fit $75 worth of groceries in a single bag it’s so painful
i used to spend $100 and get groceries for 2 weeks or more and now that's barely a week. it's miserable out here.
watching people’s reactions when i tell them their total is so heartbreaking. people grabbing just some snacks will easily break $50 every time
I bought groceries for my little family of three last weekend and landed just shy of $300. I used to be able to feed 5 people for that much.
somewhere, a certain nyt columnist just got white-hot furious and isn't sure why
I get out with $100 off my lil EBT and I'm like ooh wow, FOUR BAGS 💀
well I tend to play the game of specials and such, it's a balancing act.. if there's meat and eggs in there it's like 1-2 bags
Have you seen the videos of people redoing exact orders from a few years ago and it’s like 4x for the exact same order?
oh my god i haven’t but it totally makes sense
I got a pretty significant raise in 2020 (40%) and a decent one again this year (15%) And yet at this point we're struggling the same if not worse some months despite living in a very low cost state. It's painful
to be fair i work for a grocery chain known to be on the more expensive side but yes if you’re shopping for a family of 4+ a week of groceries can easily be $500
We got money for war, but can't feed the poor.
It's literally cheaper for me, as a single person (who doesn't eat much) to have prepared meals delivered weekly than to do my own grocery shopping and prep. It's about 10% less. Once every three months I'll stock up on some staples (coffee, lunch snacks, frozen veg) and that's like $300. At Aldi.