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20s| He/She | Bigender | Disabled | 🇪🇬
Reposted byAvatar Goldenhawk
I don’t know writer/journalist Annabel Ross personally, but what she had to say about the Gaiman situation covers a fair bit of what I think so far… now I’ll go back to trying to find an emoji that conveys “goddammit I’m so fucking furious & sad & exhausted”
Manufacturing Untangling the Neil Gaiman sexual assault allegations, and the Tortoise Media investigation that is both flawed and important
Reposted byAvatar Goldenhawk
"Great men are almost always bad men" is a phrase that goes through my head a LOT (along with an appropriately gender-neutral-ized version when applicable)
“Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority: still more when you superadd the tendency or the certainty of corruption by authority.” -Lord Acton, 1887
Reposted byAvatar Goldenhawk
a lady came in and asked if she could put a bitly url on a headstone and we were like. i guess there's no rule against i guess if that's really what you want to do
Reposted byAvatar Goldenhawk
Reposted byAvatar Goldenhawk
If you think Project 2025 won't come for you, think about how long they've been working on their mandates, and how they're testing it in real time in Louisiana & Idaho. They have a blueprint & if you're not straight, white, and a man, it will harm you eventually.
Reposted byAvatar Goldenhawk
Saw someone post this so I needed to chime in about Alice Cooper being a lifelong conservative republican who speaks out against transgenered people
Friendly reminder that there is a histamine protocol you can use to prevent/allivate COVID
COVID isn't over. Mask up Get vaccinated Social distance
Reposted byAvatar Goldenhawk
Reposted byAvatar Goldenhawk
This is why I’m disabled (outside of my uterine fibroids). The summer has made my POTs worse. Any activity puts my heart rate at around 130-140 which makes me dizzy and nauseas. It’s hard for me to function but I still take care of my kids and put all my energy into being a mom. Long covid did this.
Reposted byAvatar Goldenhawk
Reposted byAvatar Goldenhawk
Here is WWE2K4 WrestleZoe She is 6'1" and 235 lbs just like the real deal, and her finisher is a chokeslam because I'm half a foot taller than 90% of the women's roster Her ring gear, entrance gear, and the HILARIOUSLY poorly modeled hideous casual backstage gear it defaults to
Reposted byAvatar Goldenhawk
Reposted byAvatar Goldenhawk
I don’t know what to do. I have a telephone call from a specialist and I’m stalled at $109. Please also help me be able to stay in touch with my relatives in Palestine. I’m freaking out. Even a quick boost or quote boost would mean so much 🤧
Reposted byAvatar Goldenhawk
When a pawn gets promoted to a queen in chess, that's a transition. She's trans, canonically.
Reposted byAvatar Goldenhawk
I'd set up a faded Trump smug shot, perhaps multiples while showing clip, after clip, after clip of people wearing MAGA hats, wearing Trump gear being their awful selves And then end it with ENOUGH Biden/Harris 2024
i keep seeing videos of people acting shitty in public where a top comment is something like “wonder who they voted for 🙄.” i honestly think a winning message for Dems is just “aren’t you sick of these fucking people”
Reposted byAvatar Goldenhawk
Mooooooooooom can Timmy stay for dinner his mom said yes
Reposted byAvatar Goldenhawk
1 like = 1 i pet him
Reposted byAvatar Goldenhawk
I am once again reskeeting my promo again (:
Summer Special! Subscribe for: - 1 month - 3 month bundle & a download of 1 free full length video - 6 month bundle & a download of my 25/$25 Dropbox folder Offer ends July 31, don't miss out 👀
Reposted byAvatar Goldenhawk
anyways, it's always quiet in the summer. if you'd like to give me motivation to make new work, drop an iced coffee/cocktail funds in my tips at or my SFW tip jar:
Reposted byAvatar Goldenhawk
invite me to all your discord servers so I can do a vibe check and bounce
Reposted byAvatar Goldenhawk
2 people signing up for a 3 month (30$) bundle would cover my phone bill for the month (: 🖤🧡🖤
Summer Special! Subscribe for: - 1 month - 3 month bundle & a download of 1 free full length video - 6 month bundle & a download of my 25/$25 Dropbox folder Offer ends July 31, don't miss out 👀
Reposted byAvatar Goldenhawk
the left coalition actually won, since everyone hates Macron's centrists. but okay.
It held
Reposted byAvatar Goldenhawk
Sitcom called "How I became your mother" but it's just how I met your mother with a slight twist
Reposted byAvatar Goldenhawk
I’d rather be by the pool $divinesoulblend
Labeled by the author
Reposted byAvatar Goldenhawk
Dang, this cat hates my guts, doesn't he
Reposted byAvatar Goldenhawk
the children’s insult of choice this evening is apparently “big bad booty” which is invariably followed by gales of uproarious laughter wife and I are not sure how we feel about this one
Reposted byAvatar Goldenhawk
media literacy aside, I am declaring a moratorium on fascists attempting to dress up as badasses in black sunglasses dweebs, the lot of them
ah yes reservoir dogs, in which things famously go great for the characters
Reposted byAvatar Goldenhawk
what if - instead of attempting to ban porn and end internet anonymity in the name of “protecting children” - we actually protected them by making sure they have enough to eat
Meanwhile eight states, seven Democratic trifectas (CA, CO, MA, ME, MI, MN, NM) and Vermont, took a lesson from the pandemic and made universal free school meals permanent.
Reposted byAvatar Goldenhawk
Me about to steal your bf (he is garbage)