
If Biden loses, environmentalists will stand to lose all the gains from this administration and then some. If you consider yourself an environmentalist and/or care about climate change, you should not only vote for Biden but convince all friends and family to do the same. The stakes are very high.
These are the stakes: The planet. “It would become an all-out assault on any possible progress on climate change,” said Pete Maysmith, the senior vice president of campaigns at the League of Conservation Voters, an environmental group.
Five Major Climate Policies Trump Would Probably Reverse if He has called for increased oil production and said that electric vehicles will result in an ‘assassination’ of jobs.
1) Emissions standards for power plants 2) Tailpipe emissions standards for vehicles 3) The Inflation Reduction Act $369 billion in investments in clean energy 4) Restrictions on oil and gas drilling 5) US participation in global agreements like the Paris Agreement. All are at risk if Trumps wins
This could be another election that is determined by small margins in swing states. Please do what you can to get out the vote. Even if you live in a non-swing state, you can help get out the Biden vote by remote phone banking, texting, donations, postcards or if you can, travel to a swing state.
I wonder if Biden could get more votes by not approving record amounts of drilling leases
Or not pushing back EV requirements by years
Butbutbut the IRA does *SOSOSO* much for the climate catastrophe ! I mean… it gives billions upon billions of dollars to already wealthy companies to get us to net zero no sooner than the market would have done anyway because solar/etc are getting so cheap heavily subsidised oil & gas can’t compete
good points there. now, quick question: which candidate is currently aiding and abetting genocide? you know, giving money and bombs to slaughter innocent women and children? WHICH ONE JOSH
Trump will stop that because (no reason given).
of course he won’t stop it. he loves that shit.
If you cannot care about the loss of human life in Palestine, you could perhaps consider the carbon emissions that Israel and the US are responsible for since you're concerned about the environment.
Study warns of Gaza's surging carbon emissions amid Israeli A recent study reveals that the estimated emissions from the first two months of Israel's war in Gaza exceeded the annual emissions of 20 individual countries and territories.
the gains from this administration? Like when he approved alaskan oil drilling? Also, don't militaries contribute to climate change & environmental destruction far more than any person or vehicle? What's the environmental impact for all the bombs being dropped in palestine & ukraine?
If saving the enviroment must come at the cost of palestinian blood, it's not worth saving. If they must die to save your environment, then may this planet become inhospitable for us all the more faster. Esp since it's clear, that's not a line or limit for you. For shame 📌
If only Biden wasn't participating in genocide, you might have a point.