
A while back I watched a video of a talk that Hilary Putnam gave on non-scientific knowledge. At one point he recommends "if want to start reading Dewey I like Dewey and Tufts' Ethics, which was the most widely used book on ethics in the US until WWII and then diasppeared...
2/'s a great shame because Dewey's Ethics dealt with real problems like male chauvinusm, discusses Bolshelvism, and explaining why he rejects functionalism and communism...
3/ and after World War II we got ethics books in which the typical ethics problem was which you save when 25 children are drwning at the same time... something really strange happened..." Sounds good. The book is out if print, but freely available online from Project Gutenberg and elsewhere
Well, it was publishd in 1908, so I doubt he will mention Bolshevism. He (rightly, I think) says that he must begin with a "genetic study" of ethics. And we get some talk about "primitive man". And I am think, this is not going well. But I am enjoying seeing my old friends to-day and coöperation.