Butcher Pete

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Butcher Pete


For hvad det er værd, har jeg studeret dansk i et par år. Hvorfor? Det ved jeg ikke.

Current preoccupations: go (tsumego), Jean Shepherd, Fela Kuti, trying to read Isak Dinesen in Danish.
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Reminder that Aaron Swartz was facing 35 years in prison and financial devastation for trying to programmatically download and open the contents of JSTOR, which led to him taking his own life. But OpenAI is going to scrape all of academia and make billions by plagiarizing it.
New version of chatbot reaches level of function where it responds to all queries by making a little twisty-wrist gesture with pinched fingers and saying “But isn’t it more *complicated* than that?”
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It's really weird (it's not really weird) how states that ban abortions are also states where women can't get leave to take care of their children.
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Billionaires aren’t just supporting Trump for the tax cuts. As Peter Thiel once admitted: “I no longer believe that freedom and democracy are compatible.” Make no mistake: The goal of American oligarchy is to tear down democracy itself.
Lovely. Great past couple of days.
Fuck yes. This is huge. Anchor Brewing has been saved by the Chobani guy. He's gonna keep the legendary brewing facility in place, too. He recently bought La Colombe (my very favorite coffee, Philly hell yeah) and has done an excellent job so far.
San Francisco’s Iconic Beer Company Anchor Brewing Has a New Ownersf.eater.com Hamdi Ulukaya, founder and CEO of Chobani, has purchased the legendary brewery along with its Potrero Hill factory, brewing equipment, and intellectual property
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There is no justifying felons being disenfranchised if it’s also okay for felons to run for president.
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'Enough' has the same origin as German 'genug' and Dutch 'genoeg'.   However, 'enough' doesn't start with a g- and contrary to what its spelling suggests, it ends with an /f/.   When did these changes happen?   Listen to how it evolved over the past 2300 years: www.tumblr.com/yvanspijk/75... 1/
The f of enoughwww.tumblr.com The word enough has the same origin as German genug and Dutch genoeg. However, unlike these words, enough doesn't start with a g-. Moreover, contrary to what its spelling suggests, it ends with an /f…
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I'm still not over that this happened last year and it's had absolutely zero bearing on our political landscape and no one ever mentions it anymore
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Alito lied about the reason the flag was up because he didn’t know the couple had text messages establishing the date of when the incident took place. They were supporting the insurrection. www.nytimes.com/2024/05/28/u...
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50 billionaire families have spent $600 million+ on the 2024 elections, which is .06% of their total wealth. The equivalent donation for an avg household would be ~$100. This means 50 billionaires have the political-spending capacity of 6 million American families. Oligarchy.
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Black college president can lose everything over the formatting of a footnote. Republican Supreme Court Justices get to plot a second coup openly What I'm saying is the existential danger in society right is a trans kid may get a hormone a week too early and/or read Beloved.
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Wow! It's the perfect time to share this!
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Many open source tools require understanding of programming languages, which can be a real barrier. But there is a way to access them without coding knowledge. In our latest video Bellingcat's Aiganysh Aidarbekova shows you how to use notebooks to access useful research tools: youtu.be/ymCMy8OffHM
Jupyter Notebooks In Google Colab: Bellingcat Tech Seriesyoutu.be Developers like the Bellingcat Investigative Tech Team offer plenty of amazing publicly available research tools, such as applications you can use to analyse TikTok hashtags or connect Telegram accounts to phone numbers. These resources can be very useful for journalists and non-technical researchers but might require some technical skills to access. This series aims to introduce you to some of the basics, starting with an introduction to Jupyter Notebooks. You can read a written guide here: https://www.bellingcat.com/resources/2024/03/06/how-code-notebooks-enable-open-source-research/ Links noted in the video: Sample Notebook in Google Collab: https://colab.research.google.com/github/bellingcat/open-source-research-notebooks/blob/main/notebooks/methods/intro-to-notebooks.ipynb Holehe tool Notebook: https://colab.research.google.com/github/bellingcat/open-source-research-notebooks/blob/main/notebooks/community/holehe.ipynb All Bellingcat Notebook tools: https://github.com/bellingcat/open-source-research-notebooks Check out all of our research tools: GitHub: https://github.com/bellingcat Stack Overflow: https://stackoverflow.com/. Join our community for tips and to ask your questions: Discord:​​ https://discord.gg/bellingcat
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The people who complain about class warfare won the war - the richest 400 Americans now pay the same effective tax rate as the poorest half of America. www.nytimes.com/interactive/...
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Well we did it, everybody. We took something useful, a search function, and made it terrible. This is like the prime directive of us as a species so great work all
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Love beating Tottenham. I am really going to enjoy today's coffee. #NUFC
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What do these corporations have in common? Netflix Ford Tesla T-Mobile Duke Energy DISH Network Metlife Dominion Energy United States Steel In recent years, they all paid their execs more than they paid in taxes. This is what a corporate-rigged system looks like.
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her dad was a baron and her grandfather was the editor of the telegraph and she is the heir to a banking fortune
We put this Telegraph column through ChatGPT and it didn't alter a word
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Telling people that chatbots “will only get better” when the tech is actively spewing harmful and inaccurate information illustrates the deep disdain companies and institutions have for people who rely on their services.
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This is why I consider the political culture of Trump's GOP to be fascist because when is the last time you heard a Republican make an evidenced-based, rational argument for some policy? Or heard Republicans have a serious, evidence-based policy argument amongst themselves?
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Random reminder: You don't grow the economy through trickle down economics. You grow the economy by investing in workers: their education, health care, child care, transportation, and job training.
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Easy, if you didn't want him killed, why did yoy leave him with me?
Enjoy every sandwich. Blood in the urine Monday morning. Kidney removed today. A week of excruciating pain. Just like that everything changes. Recovery today. That's my update. Nothing else worth mentioning.
A while back I watched a video of a talk that Hilary Putnam gave on non-scientific knowledge. At one point he recommends "if want to start reading Dewey I like Dewey and Tufts' Ethics, which was the most widely used book on ethics in the US until WWII and then diasppeared...
OK, I firmly believe that "enshittification" is a real thing. Maybe it's not just the by-product of greed. Maybe it's the inexorable degradation inherent in all things. Entropy, or whatever. I don't know. But Google seach is useless.
Danish is fucked up. Watched a Norwegian movie and was surprised to find that I understood a lot, a whole lot. Understood more than any movie in Danish. I haven't studied Norwegian a single day in my life. Been studying Danish for years now. I can read Danish, no problem. I cannot understand it.