
I wish we had polls here. I feel an overwhelming need to know how many of you have used a typewriter to do homework
i used to have a typewriter that you could hook up to a computer. i think we got it at a garage sale. it was neat
Whoever invented that should get a medal
it felt very in-between tech generations haha like you could use it as a typewriter, OR you could plug it into your computer and type with a keyboard and it would type in real time. i wish i still had it
The IBM Selectric II could also be used as a teletype terminal, so I can completely believe that.
Those were the Cadillac. I could never afford one in the day.
Oh, me neither. I got a nice Silver Reed with its own case for high school graduation, and that got me through college, but I knew someone who had a Selectric with that cool golf ball typing element and it was like something from the future.
Yeah, I had the Smith Corona cartridge ribbon, which was pretty cool, but that ball meant no jams ever.