
Part of me thinks I have a civic duty to endure the debate tonight, but the rational part of me knows better. I know where my vote is going and nothing will change that. Do I need to be armed with personal experience of the debates to play amateur pundit on the internet afterwards? Hell no.
Someone once called me a "low-information voter" for not watching debates and my response was I pay attention to the candidates starting in the primaries and I know their policies. The only thing you learn in a debate is how good someone is at debating
It’s very funny to view the debates as a way to be informed about literally anything at all.
I watched the British debate between Sunak and Starmer last night + the pundits' post-mortem. That's two hours of my life I'm not going to get back. It was very shouty. I think switching off the mics for the person who's not supposed to be speaking is a brilliant idea. (Still voting Labour.)
It's such an obvious thing to do given how bad most of our politicians are. (Still definitely not voting for Starmer's Labour)
I had that civic duty thing for most of my life, no matter how much I disliked whoever was going to be on stage. It ended with one of W's SOTUs. Finally realized, "Why ruin my stomach lining when I could have predicted everything he said?" Since then, o/c, the Web has had me covered, so no guilt.