Jason Dinh, Ph.D.

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Jason Dinh, Ph.D.


climate editor at atmos. covering nature, culture, and the environment. regular shitposter, orca sympathizer, struggling wizards fan. he/him.

in Apple TV’s forthcoming show, Omnivore, “You are what you eat” takes on a whole new meaning for Atmos, I chatted with René Redzepi, show co-creator and Noma chef-owner, about food as humanity’s mirror and how we might build a more ethical and sustainable system 🧪🌍
For Omnivore's René Redzepi, Food Reflects Who We Are - Atmosatmos.earth Chef-owner of Noma René Redzepi joins Atmos to discuss sustainable food, nature-inspired dining, and his new Apple TV+ docuseries, Omnivore.
It's time for #SciFri 📻 We kick off with @byjasonpdinh.bsky.social, who joins us to talk about new images from the James Webb Space Telescope of two intermingling galaxies nicknamed the Penguin and the Egg.
Galaxies ‘Dance’ In Stunning New JWST Imagewww.sciencefriday.com As the James Webb Space Telescope marks two years of operations, NASA unveils a new image of two galaxies interacting.
venice literally weds the sea each year in a ritual ceremony, but like all old relationships, that pairing has grown tense the city has fended off sea level rise for now, but as the heat rises, it may eventually falter new in Atmos 🧪🌍
Science Saved Venice From Drowning. Could It Work Anywhere Else? | Atmosatmos.earth A system of barriers and gates named MOSE protects Venice from floods, but with climate change gaining speed, it’s a quick fix rather than a panacea.
they really let me get away with a Jonas Brothers headline lmao I recently learned that ocean warming and SLR will continue for thousands of years, even if emissions end today. I couldn't stop thinking about it. my latest for Atmos 🧪🌎 atmos.earth/ive-been-to-...
I’ve Been to the Year 3000. Not Much Has Changed, but They Lived Underwater. | Atmosatmos.earth The seas have so much thermal inertia that a few hundred years of heating could leave a thousand-year legacy on ocean temperatures and sea level rise.
is a species invasive if environmental destruction forces it to migrate? the question is getting trickier to answer as climate change reshuffles species worldwide. Isobel Whitcomb with a vital story and a gorgeous ode to barred owls for Atmos 🧪🌎
Barred Owls Blur Lines Between Invasive Species and Refugees | Atmosatmos.earth As climate change reshuffles species ranges, the distinction between invasive species and climate migrants is becoming more and more muddied.
climate talk was glaringly absent and often embellished in last night’s presidential debate. how true were trump’s and biden’s claims? for Atmos, Siri Chilukuri has the climate fact check 🧪🌎
Fact-Checked: Trump and Biden’s Climate Claims at First Presidential Debate | Atmosatmos.earth Talk of climate change took the backseat in the first 2024 presidential debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump.
hurricane season is here, and it's set to smash records for LBGTQIA+ folks, safety means escaping winds and water, but it also means being among allies—a challenge when legislation across the South targets their very existence Yessenia Funes for Atmos 🧪🌎
Queer Communities Brace for Supercharged Hurricane Season | Atmosatmos.earth LGBTQIA+ communities in the U.S. South are facing a historic hurricane season alongside a barrage of anti-LGBTQIA+ legislation.
Atmos caught up with @ferrisjabr.bsky.social about his new book, Becoming Earth, in a conversation about our planet as a living being i learned a lot, felt a lot, and can't stop thinking about the idea of "microplastics as a kind of necromancy 🧪🌎
Earth Is Alive, a New Book Argues. Will We Kill It? | Atmosatmos.earth Author Ferris Jabr speaks with Atmos about the story of life on Earth, including its dynamic history and uncertain future.
de-extinction is just biology’s Cybertruck
NEW: Olympic athletes demand that sports sever ties with fossil fuels in a new report they fear for their safety—for their lives—as Paris 2024 could be the hottest Olympics ever my latest for Atmos 🧪🌎
Olympic Athletes Demand Sports Cut Ties with Fossil Fuels in New Report | Atmosatmos.earth Nearly a dozen Olympic athletes are demanding heat protections and an end to fossil fuel sponsorships ahead of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.
it's Atmos launch day! my friends made a stunning magazine. get a copy! Atmos Vol. 09: Kinship explores family, biodiversity, wildlife, symbiosis, and conservation—stories that remind us that we exist in a web of not only relationship, but kinship 🧪🌎 shop.atmos.earth
Indigenous groups in Oregon could soon reintroduce sea otters to the state's coast. "We’re bringing back a relative," one Siletz tribe member said. But not everyone is so pleased. today in Atmos 🌎🧪
Sea Otter Reintroduction Could Mend Ecological and Colonial Scars | Atmosatmos.earth Sea otter reintroduction is reviving the ecology of the kelp forest. Indigenous groups hope it brings back ancestral hunting practices, too.
coral conservation is more controversial than you think. for Atmos, I dug into a simple yet contentious question: what will it take to save the coral reefs? the arguments surprised and persuaded me many times over. I hope they do the same for you 🌎🧪
What Will It Take To Save The Coral Reefs? | Atmosatmos.earth Coral scientists agree that stopping climate change is the number one priority, but a pitched battle has broken out over what more must be done.
kicking off pride! seventy years ago, rumors of homosexuality toppled harvard's geography department the first geography graduate since then argues that a queer renaissance in geography is precisely what the climate movement needs. new in Atmos 🧪🌎
A Queer Renaissance of Geography | Atmosatmos.earth Harvard University’s first geography graduate in 70 years breaks down why the discipline is necessary in confronting the climate crisis.
the past year has made it clear that American politicians are out of tune with their constituents—on climate, abortion, international affairs, and more. is there a better way? enter: the citizens' assembly. words by Katya Zimmer for Atmos 🌎
Can Citizens’ Assemblies Heal America’s Broken Democracy? | Atmosatmos.earth The growing gap between public opinion and government policies is driving a renewed interest in citizens' assemblies.
i reflected on my childhood and naturalism and how dismally white environmental work is and whether cicadas can remedy that: my latest, a rare personal essay for Atmos 🌎🧪
Thanks, Cicadas, for Democratizing a Love of Nature | Atmosatmos.earth As the cicada dual emergence approaches, climate editor Jason P. Dinh muses on the insects as nature’s great equalizers.
saturday marks the four year mark of George Floyd’s murder. in my latest for Atmos, I checked in with environmental groups to see how their racial reckoning has fared since then 🌎
Did Big Green Groups Fumble Their George Floyd Moment? | Atmosatmos.earth Four years after George Floyd’s murder, major environmental organizations are backtracking on their pledges of racial justice.
why aren’t there more movies about the biodiversity crisis? i learned a lot from this piece, but my favorite tidbit is that there are a bunch of waterworld-branded tomato seeds and terracotta pots out there in the world @chrisbaraniuk.com for Atmos 🧪🌎
Why Doesn’t Hollywood Make More Mass Extinction Films? | Atmosatmos.earth A spate of climate change movies has hit the box office in recent years, but films on the biodiversity crisis continue to elude the screen.
why do solar geoengineering proponents keep spraying stuff in the air without warning anyone? when a controversial climate solution meets even more controversial community engagement practices Simon Spichak has the story for Atmos 🧪🌎
Shady Science: The Dangers of Secret Solar Geoengineering | Atmosatmos.earth A lack of transparency in solar geoengineering projects may tank public perception for an already maligned climate change strategy.
That's the show! Subscribe to our podcast and never miss your daily dose of science! In today’s episode, guest host @sophiebushwick.bsky.social and reporter @byjasonpdinh.bsky.social discuss the top news in science this week. Listen here 🎧: pod.link/73329284
just finished rounding up the news with @scifri.bsky.social! catch up on all things exoplanet, whale language, and science policy at 2 PM :)
Today on #SciFri 📻
a UAE carbon credit company recently took over 8% of Tanzania's land. they're evicting thousands of Maasai to make way for dubious carbon credits. for the Maasai, the feeling is all too familiar. KC Cheng has the story for Atmos 🧪🌎
Why Petrostates Keep Seizing the Serengeti | Atmosatmos.earth A carbon credit company based in a petrostate just gained control over 8% of Tanzania’s land, displacing nearly 100,000 Maasai people.
are plants smart? conscious, even? and should they be treated as legal persons? Zoë Schlanger, author of the new book, The Light Eaters, digs into botany’s most contentious debate with Atmos 🧪🌎
Buckle Up—The Plant Consciousness Revolution Is Here | Atmosatmos.earth The Light Eaters author Zoë Schlanger dives into the heated debate over plant intelligence, consciousness, and personhood.
the green transition requires loads of cobalt—70% of which sits beneath the DRC. Congolese workers welcome the jobs, but the industry could do a whole lot more to protect them. an important one out today in atmos 🌎🧪
Congo’s Clean Energy Cobalt Mines Don’t Have to Be So Dirty | Atmosatmos.earth In the DRC, demand for cobalt to power electric vehicles and clean energy technologies is leaving behind a toxic legacy.
Israel has drained the Jordan River and weaponized it as a tool to occupy Palestine. the waterway once fed great empires, but now, it's a sludge-filled shadow of its former self. today’s story in atmos 🌎
Palestine’s Jordan River Drained of Water and Livelihood | Atmosatmos.earth Israel’s exploitation of the Jordan River epitomizes the nation’s long-held brutal war tactic: the destruction and weaponization of Palestine's natural resources.
want to track your climate impact? there's an app for that! ...or is there? for Atmos, @hannahseo.com ponders why developing a climate app has been so fraught, even during this golden digital era. 🌎🧪
Where Are The Good Climate Change Apps? | Atmosatmos.earth Climate change apps could help us track our individualized carbon footprints, but some experts are skeptical.