Ferris Jabr

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Ferris Jabr


Author of BECOMING EARTH: HOW OUR PLANET CAME TO LIFE (Random House, 6/2024) ✵ Contributing Writer, New York Times Magazine and Scientific American ✵ 🇱🇧🇺🇸🏳️‍🌈 ✵ Surname rhymes with neighbor ✵ https://www.ferrisjabr.com/
In @smithsonianmag.bsky.social today, a third excerpt from my book, focused on the audacious Arctic rewilding experiment known as Pleistocene Park, and featuring a never-before-told adventure tale based on extensive interviews and translated diaries www.smithsonianmag.com/science-natu...
The Quest to Resurrect a Lost Ecosystem in Siberiawww.smithsonianmag.com A father-and-son team of scientists are trying to revive ancient grasslands by reintroducing large grazers
People are checking out BECOMING EARTH —literally! Extremely heartening to see so many holds at libraries in Portland, Seattle, LA, the Bay Area and beyond. Thank you, readers! 🙏🏼 p.s. support your local library ✨📚✨
What a thrill to see my name and Virginia Woolf in the same headline. She’s long been by literary hero Thank you to @bostonglobe.bsky.social & Amy Sutherland for this delightfully bookish interview www.bostonglobe.com/2024/06/26/a...
A full house at Town Hall Seattle! Thank you so much to all my wonderful Seattle friends for rallying, Elliott Bay for co-organizing, the renowned Dr. Suzanne Simard for joining me on stage, & NSWA for the post event festivities. A fantastic conversation w/ astute audience questions
Shout out to the 100-year-old Helen Bernhard Bakery in Portland for crafting this stunning literary confection, featuring edible images of my US and UK book covers— the star of yesterday’s launch party!
Could not have asked for a better launch day at @powells.bsky.social ! So many people showed up that it became a standing room only event! So grateful to my local community and readers for their support 🙏🏼 and to Emma Marris for being a brilliant conversation partner
In @theatlantic.bsky.social today, a second excerpt from my book, this one focused on the coevolution of fire and life, the ecological insights of Indigenous fire management, and the urgency of returning prescribed burns to the landscape 🎁 www.theatlantic.com/science/arch...
The Deep Connection Between Life and Firewww.theatlantic.com How wildfire defines the world
Today is the day! My debut book, Becoming Earth, is officially published and out in the world!
Four Junes ago, my partner Ryan and I bought our first house and started creating our dream garden One year ago to the day, we got married in a forest Tomorrow, my debut book is officially published (& features our garden) June is proving to be a momentous month in our lives!
Today, The New York Times Magazine published a big excerpt from my new book, Becoming Earth, focused on the multitudes of mysterious microbes that live in the planet's deep crust, miles below the surface, & shape our world in profound ways we're still discovering www.nytimes.com/2024/06/24/m...
The Mysterious, Deep-Dwelling Microbes That Sculpt Our Planetwww.nytimes.com Earth’s crust teems with subterranean life that we are only now beginning to understand.
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Reposted byAvatar Ferris Jabr
Ferris's beautiful book BECOMING EARTH is out tomorrow (25 Jun). I loved it. It's a glorious paean to our living world, and the many ways in which life has shaped the planet itself. bookshop.org/p/books/beco...
Finished copies are here! A few boxes containing finished copies of my book, Becoming Earth, recently arrived on our doorstep. Jack helped me open them. I think he approves! Just two weeks until pub day!
Becoming Earth: How Our Planet Came to Life a book by Ferris Jabrbookshop.org A vivid account of a major shift in how we understand Earth, from an exceptionally talented new voice. Earth is not simply an inanimate planet on which life evolved, but rather a planet that came to l...
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Atmos caught up with @ferrisjabr.bsky.social about his new book, Becoming Earth, in a conversation about our planet as a living being i learned a lot, felt a lot, and can't stop thinking about the idea of "microplastics as a kind of necromancy 🧪🌎
Earth Is Alive, a New Book Argues. Will We Kill It? | Atmosatmos.earth Author Ferris Jabr speaks with Atmos about the story of life on Earth, including its dynamic history and uncertain future.
For Sequencer Magazine, a wonderful new writer-owned science magazine, cofounder @maxlevy.bsky.social interviewed me about some of the ideas and themes in my new book, Becoming Earth. I greatly appreciate his thoughtfulness and fantastic questions. Read here: www.sequencermag.com/a-scientific...
A scientific case for an Earth alivewww.sequencermag.com "Becoming Earth" author Ferris Jabr on his new book and how life emerged as an extension of the planet’s surface.
San Francisco! One week from today, please join me and the brilliant Jenny Odell @jennitaur.bsky.social at the Commonwealth Club, for an evening of conversation inspired by my new book, Becoming Earth: How Our Planet Came to Life Tickets + More info: www.commonwealthclub.org/events/2024-...
Seattle! One week from today, please join me and the esteemed forest ecologist Dr. Suzanne Simard at Town Hall Seattle for an evening of conversation inspired by my new book, Becoming Earth Tickets + more info: townhallseattle.org/event/ferris... Hope to see you there!
Portland, Oregon! One week from today, please join me at @powells.bsky.social for the launch of my debut book, Becoming Earth Pro tip: If you buy a copy on the 25th, you get 15% off all books purchased that day There will also be stickers, magnets, travel photos, and amazing science facts
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Please read @ferrisjabr.bsky.social's brilliant new book, "Becoming Earth: How Our Planet Came to Life." Ferris is my favorite young science writer. www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/623907...
Sisyrinchium has become one of my favorite garden plants. Though often called blue or yellow-eyed grass, it’s actually a member of the Iris family. Many species native to N America. Clumping; spreads politely. Easy to share. Looks esp good near water + w/ other Irises
Becoming Earth is out on June 25 and I'm going on tour! First up: Portland > Seattle > Bay Area Thrilled to be in conversation with the brilliant Emma Marris, Suzanne Simard, @jennitaur.bsky.social and Obi Kaufmann Please note the Seattle and SF events are ticketed East coast in mid July!
For Nautilus Magazine, I wrote about a question that has obsessed me: What are the oldest surviving ecosystems on Earth? Turns out some extant meadows, reefs, and rainforests have persisted for hundreds of thousands to *tens of millions* of years. What can they teach us? nautil.us/the-oldest-e...
The Oldest Ecosystems on Earthnautil.us What they teach us about resilience.
A lot of people have asked recently if Becoming Earth is available as an audiobook. The answer is: Yes, absolutely! It's available for preorder from Audible, Apple Books, etc and is narrated by the extremely talented Joe Ochman www.audible.com/pd/Becoming-...
Becoming Earthwww.audible.com Check out this great listen on Audible.com. A vivid account of a major shift in how we understand Earth, from an exceptionally talented new voice. Earth is not simply an inanimate planet on which life...
Finished copies are here! A few boxes containing finished copies of my book, Becoming Earth, recently arrived on our doorstep. Jack helped me open them. I think he approves! Just two weeks until pub day!
Thrilled to share that Becoming Earth has received its second ⭐️starred review⭐️, this time from Booklist, which calls it, "beautifully written, exquisitely detailed, and finely researched" 🙏
Hello to all the small beings ensconced in garden foliage
I love how California poppies appear to be casting off old-timey nightcaps as they bloom and awaken to the world
Many gardeners consider color blocking, monochromatic groupings, or otherwise limited palettes to be guiding principles. Maybe one day I'll agree, but at this stage of my gardening journey, I find that aesthetic a bit dull. I want *all* the colors, close together. Give me the full rainbow, baby! ⭐🌈