
PERFORMATIVE DESPAIR IS NOT A POLITICAL STRATEGY. Do not conjure your own imagined demise. In particular, don't do it collectively, on a communication system meant to amplify emotional contagion. (simpler/more esoteric: don't do death magic at collective scale on your own minds, for fuck's sake)
Personal Me: performative despair is not a political strategy. You do not need to read it, boost it, otherwise encourage it or absorb it. Taking time offline is a super good idea today.
Personally? I'm most upset about Chevron, but also we've known this was going to happen for at least a year. Everything SUCKS today. I hate it. I'm still here, I'm still working. It's a fucking long project, being in the world.
My PTSD wasn't diagnosed until I was 47. ADHD diagnosis waited until I was 60. I'm still here. Fixing the country is going to be that messy several hundred times over. Everything SUCKS, and I'm finally tired of being afraid of it all. #stillherestillworking is the battle cry of our times.
Well, I can't find it now even by the hashtag. That's weird. Anyway, here it is, for what it's worth, though I think some of the humor might have been lost by now. It was fun for a minute anyway. The #SharkNebula isn't going to let the electrocution win, Donnie. XD>.
This - "don't do death magic at collective scale on your own minds, for fuck's sake" - is fucking brilliant. Thank you!
Oh! Thank you so much for this timely reminder! I had a philosophy professor who said that we should be careful to never build a universe in which we cannot live! ❤️❤️❤️
This happens to me all the time and I've never been able to fully describe it but this hits the nail on the head.
That was my plan here--to get into tRump's head about his own two twin nightmares he waxed on publicly at that really in a form of performative despair. What can I say, I was bored, I hate Trumplestiltskin, and find these new astronomy images quite spectacular. It was actually fairly cathartic. :)