
AI feels like a real mania, a genuine collective break from reality among the ruling class. They might as well be pouring billions of dollars into an attempt to replace all jobs and knowledge with a large bronze idol of Dagon.
I think the reviving of union power has them scared shitless and AI is a near religious belief that computers will save them from unions
Yeah, and it’s wild because union participation hasn’t rebounded in the US, even with a pro-Union president and all the public wins over the past few years. We hit a record low last year. Public perception is still largely anti-Union though maybe starting to change
US union membership rate hits fresh record low in 2023 -Labor U.S. union membership rates fell to fresh record lows in 2023 despite it being a year of headline-grabbing organized labor strikes from the Rustbelt to Hollywood and some continued organizing successes at companies such as Starbucks.
Everyone I know is pro-union, but none of us work in unionized fields and “go organize your industry to have one” isn’t generally a viable option. Maybe the problem isn’t that no one wants to join, it’s that we’d have to start from scratch and we’re already exhausted.
And in a number of fields, we’re primarily freelancers and independent contractors, so we legally CAN’T form an actual union. We may be able to form some kind of guild, but that can get convoluted and is probably not as strong.
To be fair, there’s more than just unions these days. Guilds, yes, worker co-ops, worker ownership, etc… I don’t know how many such variants are counted but they can achieve similar results