
Not naming names, and my gut feeling is everyone is sputtering out in rage and despair etc, but it is wild seeing the reactions of some politics nerds hoping BIDEN will do something drastic between court packing and assassinations - and when he of course is who he’s been for the last fifty years 1/
then it’s somehow both “time to start fragging!” and “it’s racist to suggest the weak and weak-minded President will lose and Someone should Do Something.” Naturally this is somehow the left’s fault, like our anger comes from nowhere, like if we don’t point something out no one would see it. 2/
But the left is cast as childish, unaware of how the world works, when the most obnoxious freshman rich kid socialist has been correct on the subject on how power works for the last, oh, 44 years. There’s plenty to criticize the American left for - after Bernie lost decisively in 2020 there was 3/
no backup plan and little of the enthusiasm of organizing despite very promising labor gains. But the left are not “prominent/senior Democrats” playing Cassandra to every journalist they know. The left has little pull in the media and less in the party to call the candidate to stand down. Your 4/
energy is wasted arguing with people who had nothing to do with (gestures) ALL THIS, and who overwhelmingly voted for Clinton and Biden in crucial years. If we’re serious about both defeating right wing nihilism and making a better world, that means all of us. Idk. Think before you post, I guess.
Oh, 1 more: Republicans have won the popular vote ONCE since 1988! And the courts are this bad! The norms got us here! The constitutional EC got us here! The left instinctively doesn’t trust any of this! We’re getting preemptively yelled at for “hate to say I told ya so” when we haven’t said it!