Negative Creep

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Negative Creep

C Alexander records:

43 he/his hippie-married/boo’d up? Chicago living, NJ grown. Major Depression and stuff; no cop city, 🇵🇸 , socialism or barbarism, loves cats, etc. Fender guitars and amps. New York Mets, others
You honor, with all due respect, there’s nothing at the top but a bucket and a mop and an illustrated book about birds. I’ve seen a lot up there, but don’t be scared; who needs actions when you’ve got words?
Your honor, with all due respect, I got a six pack and nothing to do
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Everyone is talking about the new viral sensation, Bungus Flimp. Bungus Flimp is now opening for Olivia Rodrigo. If you haven't heard of Bungus Flimp, fuck you. We've just heard that Bungo Flimp is now canceled. Bungus Flimp has been killed in a standoff with SWAT officers in Des Moines.
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Remember when it came out that the Trump White House staff was moving massive weight in heavy drugs through the private pharmacy? Like wild amounts of straight fentanyl
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It is pretty interesting in retrospect that when Bernie ran I remember a lot of news people going “how can you be doing all this CLASS WAR stuff?” “How can you be dividing us along those lines?” and meanwhile their rich buddies were like “yeah about five years until crime becomes legal for us lol”
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So many of these people spent YEARS telling people that things that political organizers said would happen would not happen due to 'precedent', norms, collegiality, etc and they were fucking wrong 100%.
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Yeah it’s bad enough without people who’ve been pretty dismissive of protest during this administration, just weeks ago, turning around and demanding people take to the streets now
Not naming names, and my gut feeling is everyone is sputtering out in rage and despair etc, but it is wild seeing the reactions of some politics nerds hoping BIDEN will do something drastic between court packing and assassinations - and when he of course is who he’s been for the last fifty years 1/
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withholding judgment until i ask the senate parliamentarian what the Big Book of Norms has to say
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I think about this line a lot these days.
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Apparently the Left(s) have the power to elect 45 AND they also have no power so need to shut up & do what the centrists want.
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They're so worried about how we'd handle UFO disclosure but weekly tell us things like "everyone's already permanently poisoned, also there's Legos in your dick" and expect us to go right back to work
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The reason pundits like the contested convention thing is that it plays to their vanities: what if the smart people made a meritocratic decision about who’s best? This is driven, in part, by being mostly isolated from negative reactions to their opinions over the years.
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Bluesky is hilarious because people named like King Wokeness are actually Raytheon Diversity Directors and people named like Cringe Footguy run homeless shelters and black market hrt operations
Grateful that the baseball gods answered us in our time of strife with the balm for a worried nation: extra innings in the White Sox and Rockies game.
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Dahlia Lithwick’s defense of Robbie Kaplan makes me a little sick. Contrast Dahlia’s tweets with some excerpts from the story she’s referencing.
I think the Mets should go looking for some bullpen arms, maybe, just a suggestion.
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I don’t want to get over my skis merely because I’m caught up in the moment, but I think we can definitely agree: Jeff McNeil is fucking back, baybee, and we should bet all of our money that he will be both the NL and World Series MVP. #lovethemets
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I am loving all these derpy birds. Here's a two-fer. Muppet with bed head in the back and what is going on with the parent in the foreground? We need a hashtag for these and should definitely keep them going. #DerpyBirds maybe? #birds
"I ares feirces pred'tor!" DERP Derpy birds. #birds #becurious
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I watched for a few minutes and turned it off and really fucking glad I didn't see this. Giving oxygen to psycho shit right wingers made up as if ninth month abortions are a real thing. This article is from 8 fucking years ago CNN. You are dogshit.
Quietly, maybe the shittiest, most despair inducing moment of the debate was Dana Bash asking Biden "Do you support any legal limits on how late a woman should be able to terminate a pregnancy?"
Dear Donald Trump: I'm an OB-GYN. There are no 9-month Here are the reasons women seek late-term abortions, and why a healthy fetus would never be terminated at term.
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seeing a bunch of people - who said three years ago that Roe would never fall, and eight years ago that Trump could never win - tell me that I’m being overly concerned today.
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It's the EGO of these geriatric fucks that gets me. Biden, RBG, Feinstein, all of em. and the entire establishment knows it but no Dem wants to go on the record and say hey, it's time for the Cryptkeeper to retire
I think the issue is that Biden is having a turnout problem, right? He lost the youth vote and he’ll probably lose Michigan because of Palestine and he leaned into his overall flaws tonight. I think people are also genuinely (correctly!) freaked out that he’s the president right now!