Callie (horse boy)

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Callie (horse boy)

Software Engineer 2 @ Microsoft. #ActuallyAutistic and I complain about video games a lot. Opinions and shitposts are from my cat. ex AWS Games, Wowhead. Adopted, mixed race parentage but white af

Ace/demi, nonbinary, dommeish, dating a guy named Tobey
There was lead in EVERY tampon they tested. There was less lead in organic tampons, but those had higher concentrations of arsenic. Also fun: It's 2024. This is the first ever study testing metals in tampons. Great. 🙃 Study:
I think a lot of this is because of colonization tbh. Like I have a cursory understanding of a lot of languages and can thus figure the names out, but virtually none of S/C American and I am calling myself out on a colonization thing for it.
Okay, trying to pronounce names in Dawntrail is a hellish torture designed specifically for me. Uyuyub'? Kixaihih? My tongue doesn't do that. What the fuck.
I literally farted in the same room as Soken Masayoshi today
Pc is working New bed is here and set up Tried the “new” washer dryer and they are fantastic so far Today has been good. And tomorrow is an unpacking break for Distant Worlds!
Dexter is a vigilante fascism copaganda tale
The Supreme Court declared the United States to be a monarchy on Monday but apparently that's not a story worth talking about Did you know Joe Biden is old?
A week ago one of my mutuals out of nowhere sent me a super kind and encouraging note and it made my whole day. A highly recommended activity. Go give someone some encouragement. I would bet good money they need it.
I get to sleep with my weighted blanket tonight. And new bed tomorrow!!
god* bless america** *wizard **my fucking rogue please she's gonna fucking die if she fails her next death save
It was honestly a little inspiring - He got "she"d by someone, and just stood up and went "Excuse me, but i'm actually a boy. Just because dad won't let me cut my hair doesn't mean i'm not a boy." That was *wild* to see in person. I'm so fucking proud and scared for that kid.
Something worth discussing today - I met a trans kid today. An honest to goodness trans kid, probably around 7 or 8. Let me tell you - this is backwoods WV. There is *zero* chance that kid's parents approve of this or influenced it. But he knew who he was, straight up.
We can barely hear fireworks from our new place. Couldn’t hear them almost at all previously. I’m glad our pets are all pretty accustomed to the random noises. At least they’re dull sounds
If trump assassinated me I would simply have a judge block it
Okay. Only thing left are aquariums and plants and cleaning up. Then the unpacking adventure!
good men play pokemon. great men are pokemon.
I never want to move again. Next time someone remind me it takes more than one day. And don’t do it during a major game release
bsky—->discord: you and a moot just started sharing extra memes discord—->bsky: someone is about to deactivate
When I worked at Pokemon we used to debate these things over lunch. It gets dark basically immediately every time
are cactaurs made of vegetable or meat and if it's vegetable can you eat them as a v*gan and if it's meat what the fuck
He'd only use it to send bombers over Gaza or such.
The Roberts court has effectively ended rule of law. The Biden needs to take strong, decisive action with the new powers that he now has. So of course, he ain’t gonna do jack shit.
I hate moving but thank god I can hire people to do it now
Make a movie milder: lips
Make a movie milder: The Adequate Gatsby
I like how the bad wizard author thinks citing Freud makes her bigoted beliefs and actions correct
Sorry wouldn’t normally put her on the timeline but this might be the most insane thing j k rowlings ever written
oh yeah, happy canada day or whatever. fuck this place.
in other news Canada is a genocidal colonizer state that pushes medically assisted death on people who need basic accomodations and then takes their organs no, this isn't Repo: A Genetic Opera, this is canada.
still looking to fill this currently at $15/150
Also another case where the Big Accounts are Yet Again Icky People