
I keep wondering if maybe eventually the Republican base will abandon Trump not so much because of practical issues like the logistical headaches of trying to do international politics as a convicted felon but because it’s really impossible to ignore the fact that he’s just a garbage human being
I suppose there may be some folks for whom his selfishness, mendacity, pettiness, and cruelty are features but I really don’t think those things are appealing to the majority of the base. They might like the idea that he’s “strong” or “uncompromising” but not that he’s a whiny loser prick
I think the problem at this point is a non-trivial number of his supporters, even the less grotesque ones, are so committed to the idea of supporting him that they can’t see an offramp from that position.
I've wondered about this. If they abandon Trump, it's likely their entire social ecosystem turns on them. This is why it's so hard to abandon religion.
I put the number at 17-20%. In any poll about the most vile aspects of Trump, there will be a hard 17-20% who still support him. On a Venn diagram, they would probably overlap 100% with abject ignorance and/or severe mental illness.
I am extremely unwilling to chalk up Trump support to mental illness, that is extremely stigmatizing and unfair to the millions of people suffering from it who don’t have fascist sympathies.
Fair enough. I unwittingly used the term mental illness in too general a sense and I do apologize. Fascist sympathies would be closer to what I meant. Thank you for the correction.
WOWAH. How dare you.