Shirley Jennings

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Shirley Jennings

Canadian. 🇨🇦Retired teacher and Special Ed Consultant. Progressive. Woke AF. Mom and grandma. @canteach on Threads. I love books, cats, my garden, and my friends. Married for 46 years!
If anyone says that Canada is broken and only they can fix it, we need to cast our eyes to our southern neighbour and see how well that strongman narrative worked out. Canada is not broken - Canada is a democracy - every citizen can make it better. No strongman needed. We’ve got this.
I keep forgetting to check in here on BlueSky. Just back from a cruise to Alaska. 😃🏔️🌊Came home with Covid. 😩🦠 Not feeling too sick. 🤧 🥱Up at the cottage for the next few weeks. 🏖️ Good place to avoid people. How’s everyone here doing??
Is there a way to remove followers on Bluesky? I’m getting some weird ones. I tried to soft block but they’re still following me. Do I just have to block?
If you see this, post a butterfly photo of your own. 🦋
If you see this, post a butterfly photo of your own🦋 #photography
Is you see this, repost anything yellow 🍋 🌻 💛 #SundayYellow 📍Sorrento, Italy
I think I need to work on my knife skills.
Why didn’t the story of Alito’s upside down flag get reported when it happened in 2021? “The Post decided not to report on the episode at the time because the flag-raising appeared to be the work of Martha-Ann Alito, rather than the justice, and connected to a dispute with her neighbors…”
Wife of Justice Alito called upside-down flag ‘signal of distress’ In January 2021, Martha-Ann Alito said the flag, a symbol embraced by election deniers, was raised outside her home in response to a neighborhood dispute.
I just updated my Bluesky app so could get DMs and immediately did this. Sorry folks.
Great to see the Ottawa police have learned so much. Better increase that budget again. 🤦‍♀️
Ottawa Police were treated to a dazzling urban fireworks display celebrating the two-year anniversary of the invocation of the Emergencies Act this weekend. Videos show police left the scene following an aggressive confrontation by convoy supporters:
Ottawa Police Dazzled by Urban Fireworks Show Celebrating 2-Year Convoy Videos show aggressive confrontation between convoy supporters and Ottawa Police in a downtown Ottawa parking lot that ended in fireworks
Getting ahead of the game and following more people on Bluesky. So far I’m enjoying Threads but nice to have a backup ready to go.
Don't miss results just in this month from Earth's biggest UBI experiment: 6,000 people in rural Kenya getting cash. Result: lump sum at the start helped more than monthly payments, but both caused so much growth that even neighboring towns got wealthier, healthier, & safer! #ShareGoodNewsToo
The first results from the world’s biggest basic income Money always helps, but for the very poor, one lump sum can last a long time.
He just did it again. "My groundbreaking video..." He is using the House of Commons to advertise.
Pierre Poilievre just bragged to the House of Commons that his video about housing has had 4,000,000 views on X.
If you see this you have to post an image from your phone and don’t explain it.
If you see this you have to post an image from your phone and don't explain it.
Adding this open access article because it’s concerning:
I have many issues with Justin Trudeau but I respect him for taking the long view and holding firm. He was mocked and attacked for condemning the Indian government’s assassination schemes and for insisting Google and Facebook pay for Canadian news but today, he’s been proven right on both.
Google blinks first in its war with Canada by agreeing to pay $74 million annually for online news The deal, after months of negotiations and strong opposition from Google, averts the biggest search engine from blocking news in Canada.
In Canada, more people died of COVID in 2022 than in 2020. Almost 4,000 more people died last year than at the beginning of the pandemic, a jump in approximately 20 percent. #cdnnews
Annual mortality data for 2022 from statistics Canada dropped today. More COVID-19 deaths reported in 2022 than in 2020 or 2021, making COVID-19 the 3rd leading cause of death in Canada in 2022.
Cortellucci is getting a highway. In addition to his greenbelt gifts, he also got a soon-to-be private hospital and a seat on the board of York Regional Police Services. ☺️
Still, it will be fun to remind the Poilievre fanclub that he demanded in the HoC that Trudeau explain what measures he was going to "immediately take to protect Canadians" from an American traffic incident.
If you only do one thing on the 'sky today, it should be blocking this clown. We will NOT let this place turn into Twitter.
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