Jordan Roberts

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Jordan Roberts

Reader, writer, Greek chorus. At the intersection of media, government and corruption.
Reposted byAvatar Jordan Roberts
Reposted byAvatar Jordan Roberts
Can you say that again? I can't hear you over the sound of #CdnMediaColludes gobbling Trump's knob today.
No, I don't think I will "dial down the rhetoric."
Reposted byAvatar Jordan Roberts
Might be an opportune time to mention, one of the ex-staffers Ford recently picked to choose "like-minded" judges is an arms lobbyist. The other has a crypto company with a guy from the Panama Papers who was the first big donor to Canada Proud.
Ford's picks to choose judges are political Bondy and Vandrick, active lobbyists, are well-connected members of the right wing establishment
Looks like you'll have lots of time to experience the vile, fashy dribblings of certified gaping asshole, JD Vance. As you do, recall that Jamil Jivani did the bible reading at his wedding. Fashy f**ks of a feather, flocking together is #IDUPlaybook.
Jamil Jivani: My friend the J.D. Vance, author of Hillbilly Elegy, taught me that some of his experiences in Appalachia weren't that different from my own
Don't be fooled. Removal of masks in hospitals and other healthcare settings is... A) Eugenics B) A great way to "break" our healthcare system Healthcare workers and patients getting hospital-acquired infections is part of #WeWantThemInfected.
Seeing masks on Olympic and Tour de France athletes, to protect themselves and each other, while babies in the NICU are being coughed on by healthcare workers. Oh, you here for your chemo? Let me breathe on you, loser.
Reposted byAvatar Jordan Roberts
Seeing masks on Olympic and Tour de France athletes, to protect themselves and each other, while babies in the NICU are being coughed on by healthcare workers. Oh, you here for your chemo? Let me breathe on you, loser.
Might be an opportune time to mention, one of the ex-staffers Ford recently picked to choose "like-minded" judges is an arms lobbyist. The other has a crypto company with a guy from the Panama Papers who was the first big donor to Canada Proud.
Ford's picks to choose judges are political Bondy and Vandrick, active lobbyists, are well-connected members of the right wing establishment
When the shooter is a Republican white boy, he gets a tongue bath. Anti-genocide protestors on campus get demonized.
The gunman who allegedly tried to assassinate former President Donald Trump was bullied in high school and didn’t fit in with other students, former classmates told CNN. Here's what we know so far.
What we know about the Trump rally gunman so far | The gunman who allegedly tried to assassinate former President Donald Trump was bullied in high school and didn’t fit in with other students, former classmates told CNN on Sunday.
Seeing masks on Olympic and Tour de France athletes, to protect themselves and each other, while babies in the NICU are being coughed on by healthcare workers. Oh, you here for your chemo? Let me breathe on you, loser.
Reposted byAvatar Jordan Roberts
Reposted byAvatar Jordan Roberts
at the time of the shot trump was bragging about his plan to deport 20 million people
Now Trump is saying on social he WAS shot. 😆 Much better for the fundraising.
Correction. He wasn't shot. A bullet hit his teleprompter and he got hit with flying glass.
We're gonna have UFC at the Live Nation venue, part of the mega casino and sports betting palace at Ontario Place.
Correction. He wasn't shot. A bullet hit his teleprompter and he got hit with flying glass.
When even the most normal of normies is noticing, that's #ZombieCBC. 😆
Reposted byAvatar Jordan Roberts
As Ford + Bethlenfalvy take a break from their 5 month vacay to lie to you about the LCBO, some facts: - Nigro chairs the LCBO and Ontario Place, and received MZOs. - There's a Weston on the board of the LCBO. - A former chief of staff of Bethlenfalvy + Ford is a VP of Therme, building the casino.
Subscribers got this updated story today, reflecting the current LCBO strike. As we wrote six month ago, getting rid of the LCBO (and its contribution to government coffers) is the end game.
LCBO strike is the end game for Ford's booze With Galen Weston's cousin on the board of the LCBO, all roads lead to more profit for Loblaws'
Reposted byAvatar Jordan Roberts
Shomrim is Hebrew for “watchers” or “guards” They remind me of the Jewish Defanse League which is a designated terrorist organization Melissa Lantsman IMO is not of sound mind Fun fact: Her co-deputy CPC leader Tim Uppal's brother was charged in an Edmonton Drug sting in 2014
Wonder if this is a well-armed militia. Check out this smirking fashy clot and her Blackshirts.
Reposted byAvatar Jordan Roberts
Turnips, please remember that **Galen Weston's cousin** is on the board of the LCBO. All LCBO decisions are meant to: - Benefit Loblaws and the big box stores - End unionized jobs - End revenue sources for the province The bust out continues.
Reposted byAvatar Jordan Roberts
congrats to everyone who believed his dramatic exit story from the intercept and paid for his dumbass substack
Ken Klip going full Glenn “the far right are my friends” Greenwald
Fuck the NYT out the window on the 30th floor.
The NYT's Trump coverage today
Reposted byAvatar Jordan Roberts
Is American corporate “news” reporting this? Bet they ain’t.
Reposted byAvatar Jordan Roberts
If you have realized that we shouldn't have dropped masks, and that the people who decided have no problem with your demise, now is a great time to start again. The masked shall inherit (what's left of) the earth.
Reposted byAvatar Jordan Roberts
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