
The Biden Discourse has, for me, turned into an excruciating mental static. The noosphere is a screaming drill bit, a band saw, a 6 am leaf blower. I am powerless over what happened and what's going to happen. My immediate concern is keeping my job/cash flow so I can be ready to help my people.
I just got off a call with my therapist, where we both agreed that it's just... discouraging, & you can't help but feel both helpless & hopeless. I haven't slept. It feels like 2015 over again, except worse because we KNOW how bad it can be.
I think the train is leaving Disassociation Station. Thanks to what I assume is childhood trauma, I've always been sensitive to the, for want if a better term, vibes, of the world. And here in America at this time, the screaming is getting louder and the crazy crazier.
🫂 It's been hard being here on bsky post-debate because I just want to disconnect from all of that. We did this. It sucked. I don't want to do it again. At least I can (literally) filter most of it out, for sanity's sake, if I need to.