Carolyn Griffiths

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Carolyn Griffiths

Dog lover, reader, published poet, anarchic tendencies. Grandmother and totally left.🇪🇺 🇬🇧🇪🇦
Very encouraging news for frog-friends out there! Hope emerging from Australia, for helping frogs self-care out of a Chytrid infection. (Also, frog saunas. 😍🥰🐸) Thanks for sharing and for highlighting and 🐸
This is so cool! Frog & amphibian have been dessimated by the disease chytridiomycosis, caused by a fungal pathogen. Researchers have realised that the fungi is heat intolerant so little brick saunas for frogs can help kill the fungi! Recovered frogs more resistant to further infxn 🧪
These frog 'saunas’ could help endangered species fight off a deadly How a hot resting spot can help frogs survive chytridiomycosis infection, and the decades-long hunt for dark matter in black holes. Hear the biggest stories from the world of science | 3 July 2024
I have just watched an advert for Sky. Then I realised it was like an advert for Trump. Once you bought it you would never be able to get rid of it. 😂
#SixOnSaturday - actually Sunday, because zero sunshine yesterday. Fresh from my country garden. Enjoy 🌱🌸😊
I will bang this drum forever: in THEY THOUGHT THEY WERE FREE: THE GERMANS, 1933-45 Milton Mayer interviewed 10 ordinary Germans after WW2 to learn how fascism took hold. There was never a moment when everyone woke up:
if you’re waiting for everyone around you to wake up, you’ll wait forever. this is how the people grinding our bones to make their bread WANT you to be. paralyzed, alienated & purposeless
Russia finally confiscated Eurovision 2016 winner Jamala’s house in Crimea. She was banned from coming to her homeland for years now, but they finally took her childhood home in Küçük Özen for presumably some family from far east Russia. This is a genocide, just like in 1944.
Best Minimus ever!
fabula murina (mouse story) CCVII tempus est suffragium ferre (Time to vote)! Minimus, Minima et amicus Spicus tabellas in cistam demittit. (Minimus, Minima and their friend Spike drop their ballots into the box. Silvius intente spectat (Silvius watches closely) #fabulamurina
#AlphabetChallenge #WeekAforArt It’s sitting on the hotel bed and looking at us... Towel Art 🐶🐰 #HiltonHotel 🇫🇯 #Photography 📷 #Art #Travel
A lovely path. Lined with meadow grass and wild flowers. Lots of little brown butterflies too
These creamy white hollyhocks are brightening a cold dull day. Just beautiful
I don't anything is going to magically change overnight, but oh what a magnificent day! #GE2024
Come back to 1969 with me. Everything seemed possible. #BlueBeats 🎤🔥 thx Jimmy & Denny
Thunderclap Newman - Something In The Air (1969) Thunderclap Newman was a British rock band that Pete Townshend of the Who and Kit Lambert formed in 1969 in a bid to showcase the talents of John "Speedy" Keen, Jimmy McCulloch, and Andy "Thunderclap" Newman. Their single, "Something in the Air", a 1969 UK number one hit, remains in demand for television commercials, film soundtracks and compilations. The band released a critically acclaimed rock album, Hollywood Dream, and three other singles (which appeared on the album), "Accidents", "The Reason" and "Wild Country". From 1969 until 1971, the nucleus of the band consisted of the songwriter John "Speedy" Keen (vocals, drums, guitar), Andy "Thunderclap" Newman (piano) and Jimmy McCulloch (guitar). Pete Townshend (using the alias "Bijou Drains") played bass guitar on their album and singles, all of which he had recorded and produced at the IBC Studio and his Twickenham home studio. The band augmented its personnel during its tours: in 1969 with James "Jim" Pitman-Avery (bass guitar) and Jack McCulloch (drums); and in 1971 with Ronnie Peel (bass guitar) and Roger Felice (drums). The band folded in April 1971 but was resurrected by Andy Newman with a new group around 2007.
OSHA proposes rule to protect workers exposed to extreme heat. The proposal comes as workers face risks from rising temperatures fueled by climate change. Biden has issued an order to prevent workplace heat deaths. Extemremely important reg.
OSHA proposes rule to protect workers exposed to extreme The proposal comes as workers face risks from rising temperatures fueled by climate change. Biden has issued an order to prevent workplace heat deaths.
This was my Golden. He showed up one Easter and decided to stay. Had him for 15 years 💝