Carolyn Porco

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Carolyn Porco

Voyager & Cassini! AAS Carl Sagan Medal 2010. Asteroid Porco 7231. Inaugural NatGeo Eliza Scidmore Award. Living my best life.

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Great news!! Pres Biden has signed into law the Advance Act, to accelerate the development/deployment of advanced civilian #nuclear reactors. An overwhelming Congressional bi-partisan bicameral majority has agreed! The message has sunk in. Nuclear #energy is our future!
SIGNED: Bipartisan ADVANCE Act to Boost Nuclear Energy Now Senate EPW leaders Capito, Carper join House Commerce leaders McMorris Rodgers, Pallone in celebrating enactment of landmark nuclear energy legislation, attend White House signing ceremony WASHINGT...
Hey! Sunday nite will mark 20yrs since Cassini's arrival at Saturn & the start of the most magnificent exploration (outside Voyager) our species has ever undertaken! I have a *big* post planned for the occasion. Please subscribe to & remember w/ me the glory of it all!🪐
Hey Everyone ... REACT Alliance is a grassroots org here on the Central Coast of CA working tirelessly to prevent the developmnt of a monstrous 300-turbine wind farm off the S Big Sur Coast. I just gave $. Pls Join me in supporting them. Send your donations via Thank you!
REACT Alliance - Support our By REACT Alliance
So sad. Ed Stone, the #Voyager Project Scientist, died 2 days ago. Voyager was the pinnacle in spaceflight that it became because of him. It was such a joy to recall the mission w/ Ed & others in 2017 on the 40th annvsry of its launch. It was a pleasure flying w/ you Ed. RIP
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New images of Jupiter's volcano-studded moon Io, taken by the Large Binocular Telescope, offer the highest resolution of Io ever achieved with an Earth-based instrument.
OMG! Democracy Docket newsletter just reported ... "A New York jury found Trump guilty of all 34 felony counts in the hush money case — marking the first time a former U.S. president has ever been criminally convicted. Sentencing will take place on July 11 at 10 a.m. EDT" CNN also. Woohoo!
Wow. I've never heard of the State Dept's Bureau of Intelligence & Research. Apparently it rocks! "INR is the Cassandra of American intelligence, and it earned that reputation the hard way." Gr8 read & lessons within in keeping organizations small & individuals responsible.
Why the State Department's intelligence agency may be the best in INR is “almost always right.” How come nobody has heard of it?
That's illogical, Captain. Trump was/is exceptionally incautious about all else, including what came/comes out of his mouth. And if he were so cautious about his finances, he wouldn't have been the abject failure he was in business.
Donald Trump’s lawyer suggested to the jury Tuesday that the former president would never have repaid his former personal attorney by nearly $300,000 for a hush money payment because Trump was too cautious about his finances. Follow for more live updates here:
Live updates: Trump defense says prosecutors did not prove case in N.Y. hush money Closing arguments began Tuesday morning in Donald Trump’s trial on allegations of business fraud related to hush money payments.
I wonder if this means that I'll receive back some of the $2600 I spent on one Taylor Swift ticket for a middling seat. #TaylorSwift #music #news
Breaking News: The Justice Department called for the breakup of Live Nation Entertainment, the company that owns Ticketmaster, claiming it has an illegal monopoly in live entertainment.
U.S. Calls for Breakup of Ticketmaster Accused of violating antitrust laws, Live Nation Entertainment faces a fight that could reshape the multibillion-dollar live music industry.
Reposted byAvatar Carolyn Porco
Breaking News: U.S. employers added 175,000 jobs in April, a downshift in the pace of hiring. The unemployment rate ticked up to 3.9%.
Live Updates: The April Jobs Economists expect the data to show that the economy added 240,000 jobs in April, another strong month for job creation.
The latest issue in Coming of Age in the Solar System newsletter is out! Today it's another episode in 'Remembering Cassini', a 20th anniversary celebration of major milestones in the mission along w/ behind-the-scenes stories. Want to get notices to your inbox? Subscribe at link above. Enjoy!
Pay attention to what Robert Reich, who worked in 3 US Presidential administrations -- Ford, Clinton, Obama -- has to say abt the playbook, being followed today by Trump, for toppling a democracy and replacing it with fascism:
This morning, I posted a new issue of my 'Coming of Age in the Solar System' newsletter to my Substack account. It's an interview I gave recently and essentially tells the history of my thinking on the issue of nuclear energy. I hope you find it informative.
Biden hit the ball out of the park last night in his #SOTU address! It's clear: the man is a consummate civil servant, deft politician and still very much on his game. For the Dems, it was a party! For the GOP, well, the face of Mike Johnson thru the event said it all.
In case you missed this ...
OTD 20ya, we on Cassini officially signaled the start of our final approach to Saturn w/ the release of a now familiar image. Remember the Cassini years with me ... how we got there, what we saw, what it meant, the stories, the triumphs, the science, by subscribing here:
Damn! Supreme Court to decide Trump immunity claim, further delaying election subversion trial
Reposted byAvatar Carolyn Porco
OTD 20ya, we on Cassini officially signaled the start of our final approach to Saturn w/ the release of a now familiar image. Remember the Cassini years with me ... how we got there, what we saw, what it meant, the stories, the triumphs, the science, by subscribing here:
It's getting very scary. Please, PLEASE RETWEET👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 so that everyone can look this squarely in the eye and then ... DO. SOMETHING. ABOUT. IT! What's that? VOTE BLUE IN NOVEMBER!
Score one for the USA! In an historic unanimous ruling, Federal appeals court denies Trump blanket immunity from alleged crimes he committed during his Presidency. Trump can petition the Supreme Court to take the case, but no guarantee that they will. #news #Trump #immunity
Well, well.... how honored I am to be in the lineup of the 10 Most Influential People in Space! Thank you, TimesNow! [Not sure how I feel about being there with, and *after*, the car dude 🤔]
​10 Most Influential People in ​10 Most Influential People in Space
Finally, some mainstream news organization is telling it like it is.
The European economy, hobbled by unfamiliar weakness in Germany, is barely growing. China is struggling to recapture its sizzle. And Japan continues to disappoint. But in the United States, it’s a different story.
Falling inflation, rising growth give U.S. the world’s best After posting faster annual growth last year than in 2022, the U.S. economy is quashing fears of a new recession while offering lessons for future crisis-fighting.
Trump lawyer: “There's nothing in the case law or the statutes...that says qualificatn to be on a ballot is a pre-condition to appear on the ballot". By simple logic => Qualificatn to be X is not a pre-condition to be X, where X = doctor, lawyer, etc. Not in Kansas anymore.
Amazing to think that all those rocks and pitch black dirt and sand came from a comet!
NASA's first photo from the inside of OSIRISREx -- you're looking at the sample of the asteroid Bennu! They previously found signs of Carbon and water. Looking forward to hearing what exactly they find. #physics #science #astronomy #NASA 🔭🛰️🧪
Hey! I'm still immersed in the Substack pros/cons mess. What say you abt this question ... Substack or Patreon? ... w/ regard to: . ease of use for creator . ease of use for subscriber . financial hassles: eg, the Substack 'charge dispute' fee that falls on the writer? . etc
For those of you encouraged by the rise of interest in civilian #nuclear power, here is some great news! Today, the US Dept of Energy granted final approval of the $1.1B Civil Nuclear Credit loan to the operators of #DiabloCanyonPowerPlant in CA. #energy #climate #news