
Things are bad but all the more reason for optimism of the will and rejection of doomerism and nihilism. Only way out is through.
It's not like a decade of doomerism and nihilism has done anything more than gotten us here in the first place. Any doctor will tell you that contrary action is the first step towards health
The denialists and Pollyanna’s are the ones in charge, though? Nothing about our response to climate change, or the plague, in any way even suggests that ‘doomers’ have any power at all!
If less people doomed and more folks acted in 2016 we might have been able to avoid this situation
I didn't see anyone dooming in 2016. The only thing that would have beaten Trump then is Any Other Democrat. Had Obama not cut Biden off at the knees in favor of Clinton, we would probably be looking at the end of his 2nd term now and Trump would be in the Sarah Palin dustbin
Really, all of this failure has much more to do with the internal maneuvering of about 20 terrifically incompetent political nitwits that the Democrats can’t seem to cut free from advisory roles. Much more than any non-specific doom field, thats for sure.
A big problem with the Democratic gerontocracy is that their frame of reference seems stuck in 1985. The tools they had then are no longer relevant, but they keep using them anyway, with predictable results.