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Semi retired contrarian who loves cats, gardens, books and my family. Not often that popular on these forums although my husband says he loves me anyway. Go Red Sox!
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OK. We beat the Tories balls off. National "Rally" is in shambles. It's on us now, guys. LFG
Dear Democrats: Next time, let's have these conversations *before* the primaries, k?
This should go without saying, but Hillary Clinton is *not* going to replace Joe Biden if it comes to that.
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Just got told by someone I wouldn't know if I fell over them and vice versa that they hated me.🙄
Why does everyone take social media so seriously?
I know some of you are very stressed about this election but the all-day posting of anti-Trump memes, SCOTUS "takedowns" and Project 2025 analyses isn't useful to your mental health. It's summer. Get in the garden, go to the beach, have a cookout. Please, before you explode & what good are you then?
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The very worst thing about social media, including this site and the Bad Site and every other site, is the illusion that by posting on it you’re accomplishing anything.
Hubs and I watched Beverly Hills Cop 4 last night...while it was entertaining, don't expect anything different from the first three, even the same (now old) actors, car chases, and gun fights. Even the same soundtrack. Sometimes a joke has just run its' course.
Fi gazes out the porch window on a humd #Caturday in Southern Maine
Is it *mandatory* to have a Substack these days?
This is a good thread reminding us we have been here before, endured it and much worse.
Things are pretty fucked up and the future is uncertain — probably the worst in my lifetime (perhaps excepting 1969 before I can remember). When it’s like that, I like to think about my grandparents and what they faced and got through with the Great Depression and WWII. /1
You don't even have to be a Trumper or a troll. Just being a self righteous argumentative jerk is enough for me these days.
I block left and right, all the time. Who needs that shit?
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I have a feeling we are going to see an open revolt in some powerful blue areas against the Supreme Court, and soon-California has enough cloud to say, nope, not gonna do that, John, sorry. Then we WILL have a real constitutional crisis on our hands.
If it were this easy, someone would have done it a long time ago.
I’m convinced that the media & Democrats need to use historians to send a clear message to voters, these people are lying. Republicans are lying. Kruse, Cotlar, Cox-Richardson, Glickman, Freeman, Zimmer etc. Use their humor & knowledge of history to humiliate MAGA. Dems should hire them, pay them. 😎
Well, that's nothing new.
We no longer live in America 1.0; this is a new America, one more closely resembling the old Confederacy, where wealthy families and giant companies make the rules, enforce the rules, and punish those who irritate or try to obstruct them.
The New America 2.0 is Not a Democracy; it’s an The only remedy at this late stage in this 50+ yearlong campaign to remake America is a massive revolt this fall at the ballot box, turning Congress over to Democrats while holding the White House.
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I think our country sinks beneath the yoke: It weeps, it bleeds, and each new day a gash Is added to her wounds.
You want to know why Dems lose when they're ahead? Stuff like this.
Breaking News: Manhattan prosecutors agreed to delay Donald Trump’s criminal sentencing to weigh whether the Supreme Court's decision on presidential immunity should void his felony conviction for covering up hush money paid to a porn star.
Manhattan Prosecutors Agree to Delay Trump’s Donald J. Trump’s lawyers want to argue that a Supreme Court decision giving presidents immunity for official acts should void his felony conviction for covering up hush money paid to a porn star.
Every time a bad SCOTUS decision comes down we hear this. It's a pipe dream & one that could quickly turn bad on us. Even if there were a way to snap fingers & get it done, packing the court is an unpopular idea with all but the very liberal. The perception NOW is that the court is illegitimate, ffs
Sorry folks, but this once seemed like a great idea. Now it seems like we need to be discussing immediate solutions such as #ExpandTheCourNow Something tells me America is ready now for solutions to this SCOTUS --
Raskin, Ocasio-Cortez Introduce Legislation Imposing Gift Ban on Supreme Court
Not to open old wounds, but does anyone have an idea of what the '18 midterms would have looked like if HRC had won? A bloodbath for Dems. The senate would have been lost for a generation.
Jill Stein voters were *never* going to vote for Hillary Clinton. Completely different worldviews. Protest votes didn't doom Dems in '16. The nominee did.
I can't help wondering what Joe Manchin is thinking about the Supreme Court this morning.
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The storm is up, and all is on the hazard.
This is your country. Always was, beneath the veneer.
I want my country back.
Aaron is right, but it is taking a very long time for our fellow Americans to catch up to this. There is still time but there *cannot* be any more bed shitting from any more Democrats if they really want to ride it out to victory here.
Nobody loves that Joe Biden is 81. It would be great if he was 35. But you know what I really dislike? Authoritarianism. So I humbly beseech people to get a goddamn grip.
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trump just called for liz cheney to be prosecuted for treason which, according to john roberts, is an official act and would not be subject to criminal sanction