
Good chart of reminders about heat safety for folks doing field work. 📝 Sometimes the culture pushes you to just “tough it out” but that doesn’t serve you or the science. 🚫 And check in with your colleagues: remind each other about shade, breaks, and hydration. ✅
Heat wave season reminder: one incident of severe heatstroke can cause an acute brain injury, as well as predispose you (generally temporarily) to getting heatstroke again. Do not push past early symptoms of heat exhaustion. Catch it as heat exhaustion, and avoid an ER visit for heatstroke.
Yes! Once you’re actively sick from the heat that should be considered a medical emergency because the step from “can’t hold down fluids” to “heatstroke” is very small and happens much faster than one thinks. Also even basic heat exhaustion damages the body and changes your future tolerance.